Higurashi Back Staff Room: Tsumihoroboshi-hen

Ryukishi: Hello, this is Ryukishi07.

Finally, here’s the 6th episode of Higurashi!

If we were in a plane flight, the captain would like to speak to tell us that we were soon going down for a landing!

Yatazakura: In other words, we’re strapped into a seatbelt and have no escape until the crash, nyari.

This is Yatazakura, nyarin.

Ryukishi: Oh, come on!

By the way, what should we make next after Higurashi is finished?

Yatazakura: Putting away the question of whether we can do it or not, I’d like to throw some ideas, nyari.

Alright, let’s go without holding back!



Yatazakura: Very well, let’s throw our ideas, nyari.

Ryukishi: Yeah.

Yatazakura: First, we need decide on a genre, nyari.

Ryukishi, what was your favorite game when you were a kid, nya?

Ryukishi: My favorite game?…


Yatazakura: Ooooh!

So true, that one was really good, nyari!





Meetings, separations, friendship, trials.

Yes, we can use that, nyari!

Final Fantasy

One of the games Ryukishi07 had played like a madman.

The story is fairly simple, but very traditional. It’s really easy to get into its universe, and the game doesn’t take itself too seriously.

It was a story about a battle between our heroes and the forces of evil, that attempted to obtain mysterious crystals, holders of immense power…

Additionally, there was a job system, just like in other odd numbered part of the series, but better, which propels (at least, in my eyes) the game to be among the very bests in the franchise.

There were infinite possibilities to finish each battle, thanks to all of these combinations between jobs and skills. We could beat bosses in so many different ways, thus, making you want to play through the game several times…

It is a widely known fact among those involved that our circle’s mascot character, Rena Ryukishi, was born from the love for this game…

Yatazakura: The RPG genre forces the player to get involved and have an interest to the characters and story.

And the concept that you can overcome any obstacle with hard work, friendship, patience to grind for experience, and belief in victory is very Japanese, nyari.

Ryukishi: Right, right!

Our next project has to be FF.

Let’s make our own FF▼!

Yatazakura: The RPG genre is all about creating a story with three pillars of Shonen Jump — effort, friendship and victory.

And deepening the gameplay with the variety of job combinations.

…Hmmm, if we manage to make a game with all of that, it would be amazing, nyarin!

…But i’m not so sure that we would manage to program it, nyari.

Our game would have to be feasible on Nscripter, nyarin.

Ryukishi: Hmmm…

OK, so in reality, we would have to make a sound novel with a story inspired by RPG elements…

Yatazakura: We would need a really good story, nyarin.

I mean, the battles to obtain all of the crystals of power, it’s cool, but it’s still the signature of FF, nyarin.

Ryukishi, what is your favorite movie, nya?

Ryukishi: Uuh, let me think for a second…



Yatazakura: Oooooh!

Yes, that film was regarded by critics as being an emotional roller-coaster, nyarin!

Ryukishi: Especially the 3rd part, The Last Crusade, which was an epic action film about the Holy Grail, which gifts eternal life, oh and there is also the battles between I■dy and the Third Reich, and the movie happens all around the globe!

Yatazakura: Yes, and compared to all the low-budget films we get lately, it would be great to have one truly impressive work, that would attract attention, nyari.

Ryukishi: True, true!

Our next project has to be Idy.

Let’s make our own Idy!

Yatazakura: I’d like to rearrange it a little be and to set it in the modern era, nyari.

Ryukishi: Yeah, so in summary, that would be…

A team of 4 students, on a great adventure for the Holy Grail…

Yatazakura: No, the Holy Grail is under jurisdiction of the Agency for Cultural Affairs, nyari.

I think you also need to contact the Vatican, and it’s not something that some students can touch, nyari.

If things go badly, it could be a diplomatic incident, nyarin.

Ryukishi: Then let’s just make the main character a cultural affairs worker!

That way he can go in and out of the ancient ruins and get his hands on the legendary treasures!

Yatazakura: Ok, and then?

Is that cultural affairs worker going to fight evil while changing jobs and such?

What’s even a job change in this case?

Do they become a Senshi (warrior), a Kariudo (hunter), a Kuro Madoushi (black mage), nyari?

We no longer are in the era of warrior students, and it’s not something today’s youth want to be called, nyari.

Ryukishi: …Uhmmmmmm…

Oh, I know!!

Yatazakura! What do you think of that!!

To please the young ones, we will give them cool English names!!

It could be Saber instead of Senshi!

Kariudo will become Archer and Kuro Madoushi — Caster!!

We could also have, I don’t know, a Lancer, or a Rider, or a Berserker!

And the heroes chosen by the legendary Holy Grail, which grants the wishes of those who obtains it, are joined by characters with a variety of jobs in a never-ending battle!

Yatazakura: Interesting!!

Ryukishi-san, that sounds awesome, nyari!

Where in the world are you getting ideas like that, that’s genius!!

We would have the jobs of FF with this fantasy taste to it!

And the intense fights around the legendary treasure, just like in Idiana Jones!

And above all, it would be a JRPG, not a sound novel, that would be a first in the entire world, nyari!!!

And we would have a realistic every-day environment and supernatural elements to spice things up at the same time, nyari!!

With something like this, we could revolutionize the world of doujin games, nyari!!

This new work will cause a great sensation!!

Ryukishi: Hooray, we finally surpassed Higurashi!!

Yes, it’s been decided, for our next project, we will make this!!!

Yatazakura: Okay, so we will need to think through all of the good ideas we’ve had yesterday, nyarin!

First of all, what about the title, nyari?

Ryukishi: About that, I have got an idea that’s been in the back of my head, it’s an incredible title!

Yatazakura: What a coincidence, nyari.

I have something in mind as well, nyarin.

Ryukishi: Well then, let’s propose our title at the same time!

Yatazakura and Ryukishi: Fate/say night.


Higurashi Back Staff Room: Meakashi-hen

Yatazakura: Doryaaa, grit your teeth, nyari!!!!

Ryukishi: Oguooaaa, nice punch, Yatazakura-san.

Sorry for being late with the scenario, tehe ☆


Yatazakura: Making Higurashi is bad for my health, nyari.

I’m sure it will kill me someday, nyari.

Ryukishi: Well~ I was always being pretty serious about it, wasn’t I?!

It’s just that, for some reason, you always come in during my break time!

That time I was plating Ring of Red,

Or Silent Hill,

Or Siren,

Or RO, it was always during my breaks!


Yatazakura: You are too noisy, nyarin.


This Winter Comiket… we are going to be a kabe-circle [*1], nya.

Ryukishi: Yeah… It’s hard to believe…

It is all thanks to all of you who support us…

But we are going to be right next to Watanabe Seisakusho [*2], right?!

Maybe they just want to put us in the buffer zone?!

Oh, I’m sure that’s it!!

The preparatory committee is just messing with us!

Yatazakura: I remember a few years ago we were placed against the wall of the West Hall… it made me cry, nyari.

Ryukishi: Ah yes, it was a bit like…

Do you remember, in Raystorm’s Space stage there is a boss that shoots lasers from both shoulders, and you have to sneak between them while dodging the bullets, right?

And then, both cannons start to get bigger and bigger, and the space for dodging becomes narrower and narrower.

In Touhou terms, it’s like playing against Marisa on Lunatic?

You know, when she throws two Master Sparks at you all at once!

Oh, but that one doesn’t have any openings, does it?

Yes, maybe that’s a better analogy ☆

They just can throw us in a bullet hell if they wish so!!!

Yatazakura: What a spectacular example, nyarin.

Well, it’s a staff room, so I’ll tolerate your nonsense.

Ryukishi: Eh-heh-heh!

And a hidden staff room too!

Let’s go wild with obscure references!!

Nobody will be able to stop us!

Try keeping up if you can!

Alright, let’s have our usual RO inside chatter!!

First of all, we should talk about Tokika.

The Legend of Super Godly Nerd!!!

Yatazakura: Sounds kinda awesome.

I’d like to see it someday.

Ryukishi: To be honest, I think people in RO who have 2 accounts on 2 PCs are not that rare.

One for running a shop, and one for farming or chatting.

So far, it’s pretty normal.

But, but?!?!

How about 2 accounts + 2 PCs + 1PS?!

PS is PlayStation.

In other words, he can be running a shop, farming AND playing PS at the same time.

Yatazakura: What kind of tentacle porn protagonist is he, nyari?

I can’t imagine this being physically possible, nyari.

Ryukishi: Yeah, I couldn’t believe my eyes!

On his main account, he’s farming Kobolds with his Assassin.

He can afford to let the game run in the background.

He dodges all of their attacks easily anyways.

On his secondary account, he sells or buys Elunium.

And he’s so good at it!

Even when he’s a Priest and has to support members of his guild, he runs a shop on his other account!!

I have no idea how he manages to keep them all alive and without anyone noticing.

But in reality, what he’s really doing during this time, is playing simulators on his


And when enemies attack or the game loads, he farms with his Assassin.

Yatazakura: I propose a theory that Tokika is actually a Penomena [*3], nyari.

Ryukishi: So, how about you, Yatazakura?

From what I can see in the messages, it seems you are farming Blue Herbs with your VIT Swordsman these days.

Are you saying you have a few thousand in stock?!

And that you have a character that only specializes in farming them!

Yatazakura: The fastest is to use a Magician, nyarin.

One hit of Firebolt and it’s done.

I check several places where Blue Plants spawn and

I manage them.

Once I get the plants, I look at my clock to know when I have to come back

for their respawn.

And I circulate between these few places.

This cool and clever method is only suitable for a Magician, nyarin!

Ryukishi: …I’ve never seen a Magician who was born and mastered Fire Bolt just to farm Blue Herbs in any anthology I’ve read…

Now I’ve seen what it means to be a real man!!

Yatazakura: Speaking of which, BT seems to be playing as a Battle Priest lately.

So, he’s playing a Dancer, an Alchemist and now a Battle Priest…

…Not bad, he’s starting to become something, nyari!

And all of them seem to be over lvl 80, nyarin.

BT is a hard worker, so his leveling is stable, nyari.

Ryukishi: Ekaterina says she learned Body Relocation after the last staff room.

“Stings with BR-FO are no problem nyan!  >d(=w=”, is what she said.

Besides that, she is sad because we only take on the castles in GvG when she’s not there.

She feels jealous!

Yatazakura: How are you doing, nyarin?

Have you changed your job by now, nya?

Ryukishi: Yeah, I don’t know… VIT builds are hard…

When there are no any raids, I just want to say sorry for being born.

If you just try using Mammonite, you can say goodbye to your money.

And it’s too far until I get Cart Revolution…

I am fed up with the Undersea Tunnel!!

Those Hydras keep spawning in group at the entrance and I die the second I get in!

Give me back the passage money!

Mommy, I am sick of it!

Yatazakura: …You are as hopeless as ever, nyari.

This was RO Staff Room, thanks for reading, nyarin!

Ryukishi: We may have fun time chatting, but we are actually in the middle of the crunch now ☆

There are still not enough sprites!

Yatazakura: If you have time to write all this useless text, better get to drawing!

Ryukishi: Yessir, I’ll get to drawing right now!!!

Ehh, but this time the sprites are mostly dudes!!

Keiichi, Kasai and Satoshi?!

Hey, can I just draw them as silhouettes like in Kamaitachi?!


Yatazakura: Thank you so much for reading Meakashi-hen, nyarin.

Ryukishi: Thanks to your support,Higurashi no Naku Koro ni has finally entered its second half, Kai.

The next scenario will be called Tsumihoroboshi-hen, and it’s planned to release for the Summer Comiket of 2005.

Yatazakura: We will continue to do our best, nyarin.

So you too, continue to send comments our way, nyarin.

Ryukishi: We will strive to make the story even more enjoyable.

Sorry for the many typos.

Hisui makes the same typos, but people only feel moe for her, why is that?!

Sorry for the many typos.

…Moe!! …Moe!!

Ryukishi-tan, haaa.


Yatazakura: Please continue to put up with us…

Ryukishi07 and Yatazakura

[*1] Kabe-circle (壁サークル)

A circle so popular that it is being placed close to the wall (壁, kabe) where there is more space to put goods and manage long queues. 

[*2] Watanabe Seisakusho (渡辺製作所)

A circle most known for The Queen of Heart and MELTY-BLOOD fighting games. In 2003 it was disbanded and reappeared as French-Bread.

[*3] Penomena

A mob in Ragnarok Online with lots of tentacles.

Higurashi Back Staff Room: Himatsubushi-hen

Ryukishi: Alright, we are finally starting the Staff Room!!!

After finishing typing this text, we are done~~!

So hi, I am Ryukishi07.

Yatazakura: We are spending too much time on something like this.

I am Yatazakura, nya.

Ryukishi: And even though we two are the main producers of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, of course we are not working alone.

Yatazakura: Nyaturally.

We should thank the others as well.

Ryukishi: Therefore!

Today I’ll call it a big introduction for all the staff members!

The first two people I have to introduce are 4U & BT~!!!

Please come in, you two!

4U: Hi there~~, I’m 4U.

BT: BT here.

Yatazakura: Thank you, 4U and BT, for always and forever supporting this mischievous Ryukishi07 from the shadows.

Ryukishi: 4U is the first administrator of our website, and BT is the second administrator.

Yatazakura: BT then also created much of the basic system of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni.

I am so thankful…

Ryukishi: 4U is now a solo artist as an original card maker!

We wish him all the best in his future endeavors!

I’m looking forward to seeing your Tsukihime cards!!!

Speaking of which, Akiha!


Yatazakura: BT-san is not only a developer of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni but also a consultant who gives us advice on the management of our website, mass production plans, circle management policies, and many other things.

Ryukishi: Without the cooperation of 4U and BT, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni would not be possible.

I really appreciate it!

Yatazakura: …Do you, though?

You know, If these two give up on us, in many ways our circle is finished, nyari.

Ryukishi: Of course!!

Maximum appreciation!!

Oh, Mr. Representative, here is a mountain-blossom-colored pastry!

Of course, at the bottom of the box is Fukuzawa Yukichi~!

Yatazakura: …Hi-fu-mi.

BT: Ryukishi-san, that’s not enough~

I mean, please pay my expenses.

Printing costs,

R costs,

And other necessary expenses.

Oh, do you want a receipt?

Ryukishi: W-w-what?!

Then, how about an H illustration of Rika and Satoko by Ryukishi07…

Yatazakura: …Please continue to support this no good Ryukishi07, nyari.


Ryukishi: No, thank you both so much…

…Please don’t give up on me…><

Yatazakura: Alright!!

Next is Tokika!!

He has been helping us especially since the planning of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni and is the spearhead of the test play, reading the first draft of the scenario and giving us his feedback!

…Tokika-san, say hello~~!

Tokika: I can’t take much time today because of the guild meeting.

Yatazakura: Well, well… don’t say such things and make some comment~~!

Tokika: I’m going to GD2 with my guildmates now, see you later.

Oh, sorry, get out of the way!

The Elunium seller has come!

Yatazakura: I once cleared it on hard mode with an Einhänder.

Imagine to get a high-shooter who passes through Acon 4’s Megalith with the speed of 1200.

…Online games are scary, nyari.

Let’s continue!

Ekaterina-san, who has been helping us with various details of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni since the very beginning!

Ekaterina: =w=)< U-nyan ☆

I am Ekaterina.

Yatazakura: Thank you for all the various last-minute, bad-ass jobs you always do.

We hope you will continue to be our circle’s oniwaban…

So, please comment.

Ekaterina: I’ll learn Body Relocation soon~!

Finger Offensive is so strong and fun~!

If I die by Sting, please resurrect me~!

U-nyan! >w<b

Yatazakura: …It doesn’t have anything to do with Higurashi, nyari.

Once again, online games are scary, nyari.


Let’s keep going!

Ryukishi: Next up, the superhero of the office K, 2nd department!

Kameya Mannendo~!

Yatazakura: He is my coworker, nyari.

By the way, as the name of the “office K, 2nd department” implies, all members belong to the same workplace, nyarin.

Kameya: Hi everyone!

I am Kameya!

Ryukishi: From Comiket tickets to exclusive tickets for the families of members of the Air Self-Defense Force air show, he somehow can magically get everything!

I guess he is proud of his extensive network!!

Yatazakura: There is something more important to say first, nyari.

Congratulations on your marriage, nyari~~~!!!

Ryukishi: Congratulations!!!

I wish you a long and happy life!!!

But please support us at the next Summer Comiket as well!

Oh yeah~!!!

Yatazakura: Next is Tokika’s friend Amamizu, nyari,

…………but they both went hunting in GD2, so I can’t take his comment.

Ryukishi: Mmm, online games are scary!!!

Yatazakura: He is a very polite and shy, but in the world of R●, his personality turns wild.

Ryukishi: Online games are scary!!

Yatazakura: Next is Tsubaki Naruse, nyari.

He is Ryukishi07’s real friend, nyari.

By the way, I’ve always wondered what’s the deal with the “Tsubaki Naruse’s eyes” in the staff roll, nyari?

Ryukishi: Well.

I had some good image data left over from when I was asked to crop his family photo before.

So, I did a little bit of processing to make those “eyes” in Watanagashi-hen ☆ Tehe ☆

Yatazakura: …What an unauthorized, copyright-shredding, human rights violating thing to do, nyari.

There are so many others I haven’t mentioned, but thank you all so very, very much for everything!

Our deepest and most profound thanks!!!

Yatazakura: Ryukishi, you forgot one more person you should be thanking.

Ryukishi: Hmm, who is that?


Ryukishi: …?

Yatazakura: …I won’t help you with the next Higurashi, you know nyari…?

Ryukishi: …A, …ahahaha!!

Right, right!

Let’s introduce Yatazakura as well!

Yatazakura is the very leading figure of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni development.

It all started when he began studying N-scripter and said he wanted to make some kind of novel game!!

Yatazakura: I’m the one who is most at the mercy of Ryukishi07’s ideas and selfishness in terms of direction and script.

Ryukishi: I am always so grateful to you~~!!

Together with you we’ve built Higurashi to what it is today~!!

Yatazakura: Well, well.

It’s good that you understand, nyari.


Ryukishi: Hey, Yatazakura, while we are at it… Please introduce me as well~~!

Yatazakura: …Okay, okay, nya.

Now let me introduce you to Ruykishi07.

He’s role is to write scenarios, draw sprites, and be selfish, nyari.

Ryukishi: H, h, hi!

I am Ryukishi07.

Yatazakura: It’s all fine and well, Ryukishi-san, but you’re too slow to write this staff room.

I wish you’d hurry up and finish this stupid text, nyari.

Ryukishi: S, sorry…

Yatazakura: I mean, why is it that Higurashi production is always at the last minute like this?

I wish you’d plan your work better!

Ryukishi: Auu~, I’m sorry~~~~!!

Yatazakura: I mean, if you have time to waste on this, hurry up and start working on Meakashi-hen!!

I’m not going to have another one like last winter again, nyarin~!!!

Are you listening to me, nyari?!

If all you had to say was “sorry”, there would be no need for the police, nyari!!

Are you listening, nyari!!!

Ryukishi: Mmmm…, you’ll just keep talking if you’re given a chance!!

I’m trying my best here too!

I don’t want to be told that much~!!

Yatazakura: Oh, you’ve turned on me, haven’t you, nyari?!

Let’s go PvP, dammit!

Of course on Nightmare, nyari!!

I’ll go as a 1st Class Swordsman, so don’t worry, nya ☆

Ryukishi: Whaaat?!

But your Swordsman can solo a Gryphon, right?!

I’m going to borrow Ekate-san’s Crit Battle Priest then…

Yatazakura: Please use your own character, nyari.

…Have you been properly raising your STR Assassin that you were making a fuss about?

Ryukishi: …Well, …I’ve became a Thief… you know?

Yatazakura: …What about Assassin?


Yatazakura: …You’ve got the Xylophone,

Got the Sohee Shoes,

Even got the Wall.

…And failed at that point, nya?

Ryukishi: …T-the way of the new age is shooting games!!!

Touhou is the best!!

Anyway, I think Marisa x Patchouli is the way to go!!

This paring got me!

Patchouli’s “Were you delusional about me too…?” makes my head spinning!!!

Of course, I have high expectations for the Touhou fighting game!!

No, no, of course I’m looking forward to Ragna Battle Online too!!!

Doujin games, banzaaaaai!!!

Personally, I’d like to take a break from making Higurashi and make a Touhou game or something, can we?!

Can we?!

Hey~ hey~ Yatazakura-saaan~~ ☆

Yatazakura: Once again, I, Yatazakura, will say the closing words as Ryukishi07 has departed to the other world.

Thank you very much for picking up Higurashi no Naku Koro ni.

I would also like to thank everyone who was involved in the production and everyone who supported us.

We will continue to do our best and we ask for your continued support and guidance.

July 30, 2004

Ryukishi07 and Yatazakura

Ryukishi: I tell you I saw it!!

A Blacksmith called Ryuuguu Rena in a Deviruchi Hat sold Elunium for 1k less than me!!

Why should I, the creator of Higurashi, be outbid by my own character!!!

Let’s go PvP, dammit!

Yatazakura: Shut up, nyarin!!

If you have time to play online games, hurry up and start working on the next scenario, nyari!!!

Star bash~~!!!

Ryukishi: Ahhh, real life PK!!!

Higurashi no Nakasekata: How to make them cry

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5


Higurashi no Nakasekata: How to make them cry

Part 1

This is the first part in a series of interviews that appeared in Toratsu (虎通), a magazine published by a famous doujin shop Tora no Ana (とらのあな).

Source: https://sai-zen-sen.jp/works/extras/higurashinonakasekata/01/01.html


  • Ryukishi07 (leader of 07th Expansion, scenario writer)
  • Yatazakura (script)
  • BT (homepage administration)
  • Yano Yoshinori (leader of NECO Seiryu, advertisment, business)
  • Editor (Tora no Ana)

2004 Late summer, somewhere in Akihabara, Tokyo

—Higurashi no Naku Koro ni is experiencing something of a break this summer. What are your feelings right now?

Ryukishi: I am honestly surprised. There are so many better games out there.

—Have the things around you changed in any way?

Ryukishi: Well, before, nobody remembered the title of our game, and nobody saw me as “Higurashi‘s Ryukishi07″. Recently, the game started gaining some popularity, so I finally became “Higurashi‘s Ryukishi07″. …I am very humbled.

—Higurashi is being made in a long span of time. As far as I researched, its first appearance was at 2002’s Comiket, but was there anything before that?

Ryukishi: No, we weren’t making any Higurashi before. Back then, we were creating original cards for a trading card game Leaf Fight for 2 years. So, it was the first time we made a video game. Onikakushi-hen in summer of 2002, Watanagashi-hen in winter of 2002, Tatarigoroshi-hen in summer of 2003, then we skipped winter of 2003 (*everyone laughs*) and reached this point in 2004.

—It’s the first time Higurashi is being distributed in shops, so was it only sold at Comiket before?

Ryukishi: It was only distributed at the events. Because we were orika (original cards) circle, card circle, analogue circle, we were selling not on the 3rd day, but on the 1st one. 

Selling not on the 3rd day, but on the 1st one.Summer Comiket lasts for 3 days in a row (Winter Comiket can be 2 or 3 days). The day that a circle is going to sell its product is decided based on genre. 【KEIYA】

Yatazakura: We also asked others to help us a little bit with selling.

Ryukishi: It was just 10 or 20 copies.

Then, the next step was a downloadable version, right?

BT: We uploaded the demo-version this May for the first time. Before that, the game was only distributed on the events.

So, the progression seems to be events first, then download version, and now shops…

Ryukishi: Yeah. Frankly speaking, we weren’t confident that any shop will take a game without 18+ content or good art… We were happy to sell 100 or 200 copies at a time before, and we didn’t think about asking shops for a time being. But now, after we uploaded the free demo-version, somehow… It became big *laughs*

BT: The demo-version was registered at different free game sites, and through that it started gaining popularity.

Ryukishi: There was a certain time lag, so the real thing started maybe after Summer Comiket. There was a bit of that before Summer Comiket too, but I think it started for real after it. Because of that… A lot of people were saying: “Looks like the new one was released at this Comiket” and were wondering if you could buy it outside of Comiket. Many of them were not attending Comiket or even going to Akihabara. That’s was the reason we started thinking about shops. And… you have to fill a form if you want to start selling your product at a shop, don’t you?

You do.

Ryukishi: It has questions there like “Number of CGs”, “Is there any 18+ content?”, etc… And I were like *laughs* “0 CGs…”, “No 18+ content…” When I was filling it, I was thinking: “If I was a manager here, I definitely wouldn’t accept this” *laughs* But thanks to Yano-san we were accepted.

Mmm… It’s a bit scary to ask you about this *laughs*, but how it was to run around different shops at first?

Yano: Right… Frankly speaking, the reception form this company was the coldest *laughs*

*Everyone laughs*

…I see *bitter laugh* There was a big gap in knowledge?

Yano: Right. There was a slight gap between shop owners who already knew and played Higurashi and those who didn’t.

— It’s a bit rude to ask, but did you have a 100% faith that this will work when you were presenting it to different shops?

Yano: Yeah, I was a believer. 2 years ago I was asked by Ryukishi-san to “do promotion and stuff for this game when it comes out”, and a year later I checked what’s going on with it… And after that I was checking every half of a year: “So, how soon?”

Ryukishi: Yeah *laughs* …At first, I was arrogant enough to think that I will finish in 1 year. Everything. It’s scary to reread my Production Journal.
*Everyone laughs*

Ryukishi: Well *laughs* After that I said: “Yano-san, it will be ready this winter, so I can rely on you when the time comes, right?”, it became stranger and stranger with time. “Ryukishi-san, when it will be finished?” “…I think it will take another 2 or 3 years…”

Yano: Yeah, I was like “Eh! Is it such a long story?!”

— How did everyone in 07th Expansion meet, and what did you do at that time?

Ryukishi: (Pointing at Yatazakura) We’ve been in very close relationships with him… *laughs*

Yatazakura: Like breaking in his room (during the development of Higurashi) and yelling “What the hell are you doing?!”
*Everyone laughs*

— And what about website administrator BT-san?

BT: I was a fan of the original cards that Ryukishi-san was making.

— Are there any other staff members?

Ryukishi: The ones that gathered here today are the main staff, and of course there are a lot of other people who are helping us. I guess they are someone like… emergency support staff? They are helping with things like sticking labels or copying CDs.

— Emm, so you are burning discs yourself…

*Everyone laughs*

— How does it look like?

Ryukishi: Hmm, it’s always 100-200 copies, almost everything is done at home. The burning process became pretty fast lately, so it takes around 3 days… Or even less?

Yatazakura: We make it in one day.

Ryukishi: Right. We are burning and burning.

— On how many machines?

Ryukishi: 2 or 3, I think?

Yatazakura: It depends, sometimes it’s up to 4.

Ryukishi: This time we made 1500 copies (*everyone laughs*), and BT-san, who is very knowledgeable in hardware, has built an awesome 7-disc duplicator *laughs* It was working like a machine-gun.

BT: At first we couldn’t think about burning even 100 discs.

Ryukishi: Right, at first I was like “700 is enough” *laughs* And then BT-san was like “Let’s go with 2000!”. After some debating, we decided to go with 1500 as a compromise.

*Everyone laughs*

BT: That was a pretty quick change. Before that, it was 200 copies?

Ryukishi: 200. It’s hard to believe that we brought 1500 this time.

— But I’ve heard that everything was sold out before noon?

Ryukishi: More like in 2 hours, I think.

Yatazakura and BT: Something like that.

— Did you feel that something was changing and you began to get some response?

Ryukishi: Yeah, we’ve felt it indeed.

Yatazakura and BT: Right, right *nod*

Ryukishi: There is such thing like an “opening rush” at Comiket, isn’t it? The number of people who started coming specially to buy our product and checking catalogues beforehand has increased. At first, there were a lot of people who were coming to our stand while passing by: “OK, if it’s 100 yen, I’ll buy it” Lately, there are more people who first run to our booth to buy our stuff. Before, almost everyone who came to us was like “It seems interesting, but… hmm” and went elsewhere *laughs* There were a lot of those who either said “If it’s 100 yen, I’ll buy it” or “100 yen? Is this a demo? Don’t need it”.

100 yen? Is this a demo? Don’t need it

It’s rare to see a circle that would sell a completed game for 100 yen. The price depends on a circle, but a completed long novel game usually costs around 1000-2000 yen. No wonder  people mistook it for a demo-version.【KEIYA】

— The word of mouth for Higurashi is amazing, and that’s people who came to Summer Comiket just for that and started talking about that on the Internet after that…

Ryukishi: It was after we uploaded the demo. There were quite a few people who played it and began spreading the word…

— How was the result of that?

Ryukishi: Yeah, it felt like a prank.

*Everybody bursts out laughing*

Yatazakura: It was quite a shock.

— It was surely tough for BT-san to look after the counter.

BT: Before that, our homepage visits were always around 40 or 60.

Ryukishi: 40-50 visits per day. The only time it went over 100 was on an opening day and the day after that *laughs*

BT: But then it started rising and rising *laughs*

— It probably felt like the counter was broken.

Ryukishi and BT: It actually broke many times.

(Talking about counter breaks for some time)

Ryukishi: To think that even without ~, 10000 people would visit in one day *laughs* We couldn’t imagine it.

“~” comes from the original publication without changing. Probably it’s “cgi”. 【Editor of sai-zen-sen.jp】

— When did it happen?

BT: I think we’ve reached 10.000 after the Summer Comiket.

Ryukishi: Yes.

— And at the time it was decided that the game will be sold at shops, there were…

BT:  Around 30.000 I guess?

Ryukishi: Yeah, at its peak.

Yano: That’s impressive.

BT: I can’t express the rate we were growing at that time other than by the word ” surprising”. We were honestly dumbfounded.

— So, there were no thoughts like: “Finally! As we expected!!”?

BT: *laughs* No, not at all. We couldn’t even dream about that.

Ryukishi: Yano-san also told us that because it’s the first time we were selling at the shop, the numbers might be not that good. I also had zero experience. And it turned out that it was sold several hundred copies in a couple of days… There were so many times I was throwing away unsold copies from the Mansei Bridge…

*Everyone laughs*

Ryukishi: I didn’t go to Akihabara that time, so I didn’t see the place where it was sold out *laughs*

Mansei Bridge

Mansei Bridge (or Mansei-bashi, 万世橋) is a bridge over Kanda River just near Akihabara. Niku no Mansei, famous for its steak towers, as well as Mansei-bashi police station, the guardian of the electric town, are all located here. Comes up frequently in topics about Akiba. Of course, illegal dumping is strongly prohibited.

— Let’s talk about origins of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. When did you first have an idea for it?

Ryukishi: I’ve thought about doing it for the first time 2 years ago. We’ve been making orika (original cards) for 2 years and I was thinking about moving to some other genre soon. At that time Yatazakura-san suggested making a novel game. “I’ve been learning to code and made this, take a look” “Oh, that’s cool” “Tsukihime is made with this” “Oh, that’s cool” “OK, let’s make a novel game then!”, it went something like this. If we look even further, I have always liked things like plays and scenarios, and because I had some connections with theatre students and troupes, I had an experience of writing plays. Though, of course, when I tried to submit them, they were turned down *laughs* One of those plays called Hinamizawa Bus Stop has became the origin of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. It was… it’s painful to read it now. It has some crucial spoilers sprincled over several pages *laughs* If it was published today, it would be extremely painful. …However, I don’t think there are people, who have it at home.

—  I see~

Ryukishi: Maybe one of my friends from the troupe who said: “Hmm, I’ll read it later”…

Editor: The one who has it is going to be demoned away…

Ryukishi: *laughs*

Yatazakura: It’s quite possible… *grins*

Ryukishi: I planned it to be about 60 minutes from start to finish, and because I wanted it to be performed on a troupe graduation ceremony, I made it about a bus stop during the  rain… with just Mion and Rika. Mion was going to be younger, and Rika was an older sister type. It was a tiny horror with one of the main points of Higurashi as a core.

— Oh.

Ryukishi: Even though I worked extremely hard on that play, it ended up unused, and that left a feeling of disappointment in my heart. Because of that, when we began thinking about doing a novel game, we decided to take that finished story and expand it by adding more characters and detailing the setting. That’s how it turned into Higurashi.

— So, you wrote a lot of scenarios before Higurashi?

Ryukishi: Mm, if we are speaking about it on the level of writing down whatever ideas came to my head, there was quite a few of that. Actually, I was in charge of writing a scenario at one doujin circle even before I became Ryukishi07, but that project collapsed because the work on the art has spun out *laughs* I worked for 2 years, all for nothing *laughs* So… (talking to Yatazakura) If we just talk about the scenario, that was a finished game, right?

— It was something completely different from Higurashi?

Ryukishi: Completely different.

— So, it has to be in stock right now.

Ryukishi: It is. Because of that incident, I decided that from now on I will draw all the artworks by myself *laughs* I am not really an artist.

— So, Higurashi was your fist novel game?

Ryukishi: That game at previous circle has collapsed and we didn’t release it, so, yeah, this one is the first.

— It’s just my impression, but when I played it I thought: “Wow, this is so well written. What is this?”. Haven’t you been writing for a long time in terms of quantity?

Ryukishi: No, not at all. I was working in the office and had to write simple lists of events sometimes, but nothing resembling what I am trying to do here…

— As you said yourself, Higurashi is a very organized and well structured story. Where this ability to create such complicated stories comes from, how do you think?

Ryukishi: Mm, I’ve said this earlier, but I don’t read a lot…

I don’t read a lot

This, along with Ryukishi07’s words from The Last Study: Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: “I fall far short of the true book lovers”, is a form of humility. However, these words since became a base of a misunderstanding that “Ryukishi07 doesn’t read books at all”.【KEIYA】

Ryukishi: If that’s true, it’s probably our parents’ influence…

Yatazakura: True.

Ryukishi: Our parents always complain a lot when watching movies and other stuff.

— Oh.

Ryukishi: Like, when they watch a movie on TV, they make comments like “What an idiot, why they didn’t do it like that” or “Lame, I can predict what comes next”. It was that way since we were children, so I didn’t like watching anime and other things. I didn’t want them to be criticized. So I always had a thought that “I don’t want parents to criticize me” *laughs* …So, it’s not like I am thinking hard in order to create a complex structure, rather it’s the result of watching our parents criticizing fiction and having the impression that “parts that are criticized are bad”.

— Feels like it’s something that has developed naturally in you.

Ryukishi: Yes, it’s the influence of our parents. Our father hates digressions in fiction. It often happens in war movies when the action goes into a slump, and he really hates that.

*Everyone laughs*

Ryukishi: That’s why I feel that I have to connect all events to each other without hesitation. The less there is plaster between the events the better. Because entertainment has to entertain, I must place entertaining pieces one after another. I mostly think about that, it’s not something deep really.

— You’ve said that you weren’t reading a lot of books.

Ryukishi: It’s a rude thing to say as a writer, but I start feeling dizzy if there are more than 3 lines of text. It’s a struggle to reread my own writing *laughs*

— And what about liking mystery or reading horror novel games?

Ryukishi: I can read sound novels. Otogirisou and Kamaitachi no Yoru made a huge impact on me, and I began making sound novels myself because of those two titles. Even though the golden age of novel games is synonymous with dating sims, I had a strong belief that “a sound novel has to be a horror!” and thought that I should make something like Otogirisou and Kamaitachi myself. There was a time when there were many horror sound novels on Super Famicom, and I loved to play them. I still love horror games.

— Which games do you respect or like the most? Which ones influenced you?

Ryukishi: Speaking of influence, the list should probably start with games by KEY. At the time we started working on Higurashi, Leaf’s sound novels… ah, those are rather called visual novels… were very popular, and after that games by KEY started to come out. We thought that there were a lot of things there that we could learn from. Kanon and AIR, especially, were on our minds, so we studied them. “What makes KEY games fun?” And we noticed that in KEY games there is always a period of joyful everyday life followed by sadness. At that situation and with that contrast player will surely cry. So we thought, let’s go from joyful everyday life to horror *laughs* Let’s surprise the player with that contrast.

— That is distressful enough for a player to feel empathy, isn’t it. I was just surprised in the first chapter, but starting the next one I began thinking: “Please don’t do that~, please don’t do that~”.

*Everyone laughs*

Ryukishi: That’s why I wanted to make the CD cover like in a regular galge.


Gyaru gemu/gal game/bishoujo game, is “a type of Japanese video game centered on interactions with attractive girls” (from Wikipedia).

*Everyone laughs*

Ryukishi: Among all the emails I got, I was the happiest about the one that said: “My friend tricked me by saying that it was galge”.

*Roar of laughter*

Ryukishi: I think those players who thought it was galge were surprised the most. I love comments like “I played it thinking it was galge… _| ̄|○”. People didn’t buy it when we tried to sell it as galge at Comiket, so it changed to mystery/horror, but if you start playing it thinking that it’s a normal dating sim… *laughs* For me, it is the most ideal scenario.

— I believe you’ve said once that art style is Higurashi’s first trap.

Ryukishi: Yes.

— I think it pretty much overlaps the story itself, but it seems that you like that type of “tricks”, don’t you?

Ryukishi:  If someone plays my game, I have to make them surprised *laughs* That’s the basis, so… Yeah, I enjoy using tricks *laughs*

— It feels that you may be tricked not only in the game itself but also outside of it.

Ryukishi:  I was drawing a lot of illustrations for Leaf original cards before, and those who supported us were usually drawn to that style of drawings. So, I thought: “If I use that style in this type of game, people will be caught off guard” *laughs*

— Even those who knew that Higurashi was a horror say that it’s scary, so what to tell about those who thought that it was a galge…

*Everyone laughs*

Ryukishi: Please show sympathy to those of your friends who were tricked… *laughs* If we only had more time, I’d want to make the CD cover reversible. One side would be a regular galge illustration with a disclaimer: “In case you give this game to a friend, please show them this side” *roar of laughter* …I want to trick people.

— Is this the motive power behind the game?

Ryukishi: Hmm, the motive power… (Speaking to Yatazakura) What do you think it is?

Yatazakura: I think it’s a desire to create something, to show it to the world.

Ryukishi: Also… The frustration from work *laughs* Wanting to put everything we can do into something… Like, we’ve thought that Tsukihime is amazing when played it, right?

Yatazakura: Yeah.

Ryukishi: When does the first death in Tsukihime happen? In the first 15 minutes? OK, let’s murder somebody in the first 15 seconds then! *Everyone laughs* I’ve written about that in Production Journal as well.

— You are talking about that opening scene…

Ryukishi: Right, the opening scene.

Editor: I remember thinking when I read it: “Is this ――――?”.

Ryukishi: In fact, it is ――――.

— Aaa! Aaa! It will ruin the fun if you spoil things. Emm, let’s go back to what we were talking about. So, your main influences are KEY and old sound novels?

Ryukishi: OtogirisouKamaitachi… Early games by Chunsoft. And KEY. That’s pretty much it when it comes to games. But there are also movies.

— Right.

Ryukishi: I was super influenced by Blair Witch Project.

— Oh.

Ryukishi: Blair Witch Project is amazingly made as a “project”, not a movie. It was a flop in Japan because we only had a movie, but as a whole, it’s excellently done.

Editor: What’s outside the movie is excellent.

Ryukishi: Right, what’s outside the movie. 3 students who went to the woods in order to make a film about a witch, went missing. Their belongings were found under a 100-years old cabin… Somewhere they shouldn’t have been. Inside the bag, there were their recordings. Those tapes were shown at the movie theatre… That was the setup. Before showing the movie there were notes and diaries released, as well as a documentary about the legend… It was very similar to what we are doing in our games in the form of TIPS. Even the movie itself was a TIP… I realised that there are more ways to show the world than just with the story, but also with testimonies and documents. When you add such TIPS, the world inside the story becomes more interesting. There are a lot of official documents inside Blair Witch Project. Statements by the sheriff, reports of the found belongings, scientific appraisal results, etc. Such things add a lot of realism and help an illusion that it is something that really happened.

Editor: There were even reports about found belongings on TV, which became a hot topic.

Ryukishi: Right. Perhaps, they were aiming to recreate the effect of Orson Welles’s The War of the Worlds. Unfortunately, though, we in Japan didn’t get anything besides the movie, so there was zero hype, almost nobody saw it and it was treated as a failure. However, we stumbled upon those additional materials by chance, and after seeing them we thought: “They’ve beaten us…”. So yeah, the TIPS system in Higurashi comes from Blair Witch Project. That’s the 3rd influence.

— KEY, early years Chunsoft and Blair Witch Project.

Ryukishi: I think those 3 were the inspiration when it comes to creating the game.

— And you combined all that with Hinamizawa Bus Stop.

Ryukishi: Yes.

— I want to ask you about your process of writing a scenario. First of all, did you know the ending from the very beginning?

Ryukishi: Yes. The rest is differences in presentation. In the direction, there are various ways to show a scene, but all the main plot points and setting are already done. The characters are all placed and move according to their rules. When we started the project, the ending was already settled.

— I’ve already abandoned any attempts to figure out what’s going on in Higurashi, so that may be a stupid question, but isn’t it pretty difficult to keep consistency inside the story?

Ryukishi: Mmm, as I said earlier, everything starts with the environment. After placing pieces into that environment, they start moving, and that’s Onikakushi-hen. There’s a game called Black Box, isn’t it? Depending on the angle of a light ray it reflects differently, and you have to discover the location of objects inside with it. Hinamizawa is a Black Box. Even though the plot of each of 3 scenarios is entirely different, the foundation is the same. Both characters and setting are the same through those 3 (4) chapters. However, by adjusting the accent slightly, the plot changes entirely. That’s not parallel worlds.

Editor: Not parallel worlds. The timeline is the same as well?

Ryukishi: The general timeline is the same. However, there are some slight variations. For example, is it raining or not on the day of Watanagashi, little things like that, but the overall settings of the world are… For example, it’s not something like “even though Rena has a dual personality in Onikakushi-hen she turns into a good girl in Watanagashi-hen“. She is the same character throughout all arcs. It’s like following different routes of that world. If in “Houjou Teppei comes home/doesn’t come home” the former is chosen, you end up in Tatarigoroshi-hen. The world is exactly the same but with tiny changes there all kinds of possible deaths and murders… He-he-he *laughs like he has something in mind* There is even a possibility of Keiichi becoming a vicious murderer.

— I am very sorry, but I have a feeling that you enjoy Bad Endings a lot… *everyone laughs* I’ve become sadder and sadder after each arc. Like, ahh, it happened again *cries*

Ryukishi: *Laughs* The Question Arcs are all Bad Ends. Starting with Meakashi-hen even though there will still some mystery left… *laughs* I am going to move towards a relieving and healing ending. The last arc will be the final.

— Aren’t there such voices from players? “Hey… Just a little bit…”

*Everyone laughs*

Ryukishi: There are, there are. “Please make them happy”, I hear that a lot.

Editor: Did you write with the thought that people would present and discuss their theories on the Internet after playing?

Ryukishi: It’s not really something that unique for our game. When Evangelion was still ongoing, I often discussed it with my friends. I am leaving a lot of missing links and unclear information in the story, and think it’s fun to read it while trying to piece it all together. After all, it’s not interesting to read carelessly, so we propose this way to enjoy it.
Editor: Blair Witch Project is built the same way.

Ryukishi: It is.

— I’d like to ask you more about the development process.

Ryukishi: Well… (Talking to Yatazakura) I think we’ve settled pretty much everything at the very first meeting?

Yatazakura: We did.

Ryukishi: Things like the number of chapters… I think it was going to be 6 chapters back then?

Yatazakura: Yep.

Ryukishi:  The idea was to give every character a scenario, so that makes it 6. After the number of chapters has changed we just moved things around. So, almost everything was decided at the start, and after that, we just had to sort it all… Making sure we don’t deviate from the original plan… First, we created the setting and planned out the story until the ending, so what left was to stick to it. 

— Are you making flowcharts?

Ryukishi: No, it’s pretty random. At most, we know that the scenario goes for about 14 days, so the first week is spent on playing and after the 7th day everything’s is turned around. So we write something like a synopsis that says: “First 3 days will be a fun time, then it turns around after a certain event”. The ending is already decided, so we just have to figure out how many days it will take to reach it.

— By the way, do the other staff members know all the story?

Ryukishi: Yatazakura-san knows everything, and I told a lot of it to BT, but he always tells me to stop *laughs*

*BT makes a pose that says: “I don’t want to hear anything”, everyone laughs*

Ryukishi: I always ask his opinion on different story developments on the messenger.

BT: I know almost everything now…

— You didn’t want to know?

BT: I want to enjoy the story like everyone else *laughs*

— Understandable. We here made a strict agreement not to ask any spoilery questions today…

Ryukishi: I asked Yano-san if he wanted to listen, but he refused *laughs*

*Yano makes the same “I don’t want to hear anything” pose*

— Have you decided on the end number of chapters?

Ryukishi: I think there will be 8 of them in the end, so it’s a turning point right now.

Editor: It will be Kai from now on.

Ryukishi: I think in the end there will be 4 arcs in Kai as well. It will go like Meakashi-henTsumihoroboshi-hen, then Minagoroshi-hen

— Aaa! You’ve spoiled the titles.

Ryukishi: No-no, you won’t be able to understand the content from titles alone *laughs*

— Does Yatazakura-san build the script after you’ve finished the scenario?

Ryukishi: First, I just type in Word without worrying about anything as the thoughts come to my head, then I give that chunk of text to Yatazakura-san, who turns it into a script. If at that stage it turns out that there is no background picture for a scene or a particular sound, he may go shooting or looking through free sound resources. Because I am the creator, I don’t hesitate and write as I please even the most impossible scenes *laughs* Yatazakura-san keeps saying: “What the hell?!”.

Yatazakura: Yeah, like “You’re kidding me!”.

Ryukishi: But because we are doing it for 2 years now, he has added a lot of good backgrounds.

— What goes after that?

Ryukishi: After the script is finished, it comes back to me. There is no music yet, just some sound effects like cicadas at most…

Yatazakura: Sounds of bitting or throwing, etc.

Ryukishi: When we have a script with backgrounds and sound effects, starts the process called “clean-up”. We fix and add little things like facial expressions, what sprite goes where, turning the screen black, where a cicada sound starts and fades out, making the sound of rain going on longer, etc… Going forward step by step while saying things like “That one doesn’t fit at all!”, “Let’s go with this and not with that after all” *laughs* That usually goes for 2 weeks before Comiket *laughs*

*Everyone laughs dryly*

Ryukishi: It’s a war at that point.

— I think that the timing of sounds in very important in a Sound Novel, but are you paying extra attention to that?

Ryukishi and Yatazakura: You bet!

Ryukishi: After all, it’s a “Sound Novel”. We are thinking very hard about sound design. “Let’s do thunder… a distant roll of thunder here”, “Shouldn’t the sound of a gun be louder?”, etc. Maybe it goes up to silly levels but we think it down to the smallest details. 

— Hinamizawa… It is a fictional village but does it actually exist as some real place?

Ryukishi: The model for it is a certain famous place. We went there together to shoot some pictures. I remember sitting in his (pointing at Yatazakura) room and discussing how does Hinamizawa look. It was “Japanese native places” (Nihon no Furusato), right?

Yatazakura: Yes.

Ryukishi: We found a booklet with that name and when looking through it I shouted: “That’s it! That’s my Hinamizawa!” *laughs* “OK, let’s go take some pictures” *everyone laughs* We went there on a vacation and I was like: “Listen here! We won’t come here again, so go wild and shoot! Take pictures of everything!!!”. How many pictures we had in the end?

Yatazakura: There’s only 250 left in memory, but at first there were more than 500.

Ryukishi: When we went there, I could feel Hinamizawa with my skin. Because I am from Kanto, at first I had only a vague image of what a “remote village” looks like. The act of actually going there and feeling it by ourselves can’t be overestimated.

— Did you live in Kanto all your life?

Ryukishi: Mainly in Kanto, yes.

— There is some dialect in the game, which dialect is it?

Ryukishi: It’s… pretty random.

*Everyone laughs*

Ryukishi: After all, a dialect…

Yano: Like “suttara”?

Ryukishi: Yes, yes *laughs* Expressions like “suttaran to!” or “succhara kocchara!” *laughs*

— I was under impression that it was surely based on some actual dialect…

Ryukishi: …It’s all was “Ryukishi language” *laughs*

Editor: All the characters in Higurashi are very unique, so I am curious about how do you create them.

Ryukishi: Characters are… all perverts *laughs*

Editor: Are they?.. *laughs* What about imagery and motives?

Ryukishi: There are no any specific models, but, continuing the talk about KEY, I decided to figure out what makes KEY characters so memorable, and the answer I came up with was “They are all perverts!” *everyone laughs* “Everyone is weird!”. For example, the girl named Ryuuguu Rena is a very meddlesome person, who can’t resist cute things and tries to take everything home. If she finds something cute, she decides to take it home! Steal! Her garden is full of strange things! I tried to make her weird and close to a pervert. I thought quite a bit to make every character weird.

Editor: I want to see Rena’s house.

Ryukishi: Her garden is big but cramped, her room is small and cramped, she has a cellar, there are marks of nails and blood on the walls… Like someone tried to escape from there… *laughs*

Editor: Is this a joke?

Ryukishi: It is a joke *laughs*

Editor: I was scared a little bit…

Ryukishi: There probably won’t be a chance for me to depict Rena’s house in the game. however, I’ll be happy if you’ll try to imagine it for your own enjoyment. 

— It’s a complete derailment, but I want to ask about the “eyes” from the staff-roll.

All together: Aaa! *laugh*

— That’s “those eyes”, right?

Ryukishi: It’s Naruse Tsubaki’s (なるせ椿) eyes, he is my real friend and we took a picture of his ____ with ____, edited with Photoshop, which was left on the hard disk. It was a good picture of a man’s face. I thought that it looked nice and cut eyes out of it *laughs* Without permission.

*Everyone laughs*

— So, after all, the “eyes” from the staff-roll are “those eyes”.

Ryukishi: Yes.

— I jumped like 30 cm high [when saw them], and I think the impression among players was also very strong.

Ryukishi: It was heavily edited, so you won’t recognize him if you look at the actual person.

— However, thousands of people see those eyes without the actual person knowing it.  *Everyone laughs* …It’s pretty wild.

Ryukishi: I think he completely unaware of it. …Well, it was a mistake to give me that photo.

*Everyone laughs*

— It may be a rather dangerous question, but what is the reason you’ve made Showa period as the setting?

Ryukishi: There are 2 reasons, one being the feeling of nostalgia.

— Right.

Ryukishi: For someone who was born in the Showa period, “Heisei” has a “near future” sound to it, and isn’t very interesting. So, I decided to make it Showa because of the nostalgic imagery. Another reason is that “curses” don’t really go well with mobile phones. Most of the tricks could be destroyed with a mobile phone.

Editor: So it’s the story that is only possible because there are no mobile phones.

Ryukishi: However, after the fact, someone told me: “A mobile phone won’t work in the remote village in the mountains, though” *everyone laughs* Aaa, they got me, I thought *laughs* I could put it in our days! *laughs*

— One more question: there is a poem at the beginning of each chapter, right?

Ryukishi: Ah, yes.

— Are those some quotes, or?..

Ryukishi: Those are original poems. Something like hints… or rather… how should I say it?

Yatazakura: They are symbolic representations of a scenario, maybe. 

Ryukishi: I can’t give you a very realistic explanation, so please think of them as hints. Something you will think “Ah, that what they were about” after you finish all the scenarios. When you read them now, even though you’ll feel some hidden hint in them, you won’t understand them exactly. I made it so you’ll have a sudden realisation when you finish the story.

— There were some discussions about the author’s name at the Spoiler forum.

Spoiler forum

Spoiler forum or Netabare Keijiban (ネタバレ掲示版) is a forum on the 07th Expansion official site. It’s meant for those people who have already finished reading Higurashi and it’s where you can discuss and make deductions about the whole story.【KEIYA】

Ryukishi: …………….Mmm *grins*

…L-let’s end this conversation here *laughs*

Ryukishi: No, I can tell you off record *laughs*

— No-no-no, I don’t want to hear it *laughs*

(Voices of other people shouting “Don’t tell! Don’t tell!”)

— It seems nobody wants to know *laughs* …Ok. It was dangerous after all. Let’s end with “There is lots of such stuff!”.

Ryukishi: Please dig in *laughs*

— There are a lot of mini-games inside the game. Were they done by BT-san?

BT: Yes.

— It’s a digression from the main topic, but when I was playing Rena-pan), it took me around 5 times to beat it…

*Everyone laughs*

Ryukishi: Take a note, BT-san *laughs* This will help you with managing the difficulty.

— That aside, there quite a few of mini-games there. What led to their creation? 

BT: Rena-pan was kind of a one-time joke. I wanted to suprize one of my relatives and made it in one day.

— Ah, I see.

BT: Then Ryukishi-san said that it was interesting and asked if it’s okay to add it to Higurashi. So I remade it one more time.

Ryukishi: For some reason, there were special attacks and other things now *everyone laughs* It was done pretty well as a game.

— People at the forum got really excited about it too. They reached such numbers like it wasn’t human beings playing. Do you play it as well?

Ryukishi: Of course.

— Who is the best player?

Ryukishi: I wonder. I can reach somewhere around 200 on a good day.

BT: I can’t get more than 300…

Ryukishi: Eh! *laughs* What a betrayal.

— What about you, Yano-san?

Yano: Around 300.

Everyone: Ooo!

(Conversation about how to hold a mouse when playing Rena-pan goes for some time)

Ryukishi: From that time, BT-san makes a mini-game for each new arc. I think it was Takahashi Naoki-san (高橋直樹) who created NSCRIPT, wasn’t it?

Yatazakura: Yep.

Ryukishi: I bet he didn’t think anyone would use NSCRIPT in such way. An action game on a novel game engine *laughs* Our game is meant to depress a player, so there are things like All-Cast Review Sessions and mini-games to lift their spirits up after they get depressed. I think, in the sense, mini-games are a very good thing.

— Now, speaking about what will come next, it will be Higurashi, right?

Ryukishi: Yes.

— Are you planning to do something besides that?

Ryukishi: There was a suggestion to revive that game I was talking about earlier *laughs* They said it will be easy to do because the scenario is already finished *laughs* However, we as 07th Expansion are thinking about what if we stick to doing horror-mystery? We’d like to take some time to think about that. Higurashi will probably end in 2 years… However, there is no guarantee that it will be so. We will see how it goes, will it have any resonance.

Yatazakura: Maybe we will do a spin-off or something.

Ryukishi: A spin-off or a plus-disc *laughs*

— Ah, I see. I was going to ask if there’s going to be any happy-from-start-to-finish plus-disc because the main story is so sad and painful.

Ryukishi: There was an email in the early days that asked us to make a scenario about club members going home happily together after doing club activities from all the arcs. However, if I’d announce a happy fun scenario, nobody will probably believe *laughs* Everyone will wait for a sudden twist *laughs*

— What are your plans for the next winter, for now?

Ryukishi: To go to Comiket with Meakashi-hen.

— How’s the development going?

Ryukishi: I’d say it’s finished for 2/5, maybe?

Yatazakura: Quickly give me the scenario *laughs*

Ryukishi: *Laughs* Right. The main part is on the day of Watanagashi now. However, it’s not in the middle as it always was, but somewhere at 2/5.

Editor: Is this “Watanagashi” that Watanagashi when ____________?

Ryukishi: Yes. When ____________ happened. It’s a little after ____________, so it’s the world where ____________ exists. There was ____________ that year, after all. So, after that I am going to write about ____________ [those who’ve finished reading Himatsubushi-hen should already know that information]. I am writing a scene about ____________ right now.

People in the room: A-a-a! U-u-u!!

*Everyone laughs*

— You’ve said that the game is going to be finished in 2 years?

Ryukishi: Yes, there are 4 more arcs we want to make. If we will release an arc on every Comiket, it will exactly 2 years.

— You’ve said that this time it will be pretty different from the last Comiket, so will it change even more since the game became that popular?

Ryukishi: If we are talking just about a game called Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, our goal is to make a product that won’t betray expectations of those who look forward to it.

— Has the pressure increased?

Ryukishi: Mmm… “no”… will be a lie. However, other doujin makers that I’ve met thanks to Yano-san, sometimes give me advice like “Don’t think about it too much, just do what you want to do”. “It’s better to make what you love yourself rather than trying to please everybody”.

— I see.

Ryukishi: It’s true that when I read exciting Higurashi discussions on the net, I sometimes feel like what they come up with is better than the actual story *laughs* At times like that I think, shouldn’t I change something in the game?

*Everyone laughs*

Ryukishi: …However, Higurashi is a story that goes according to the initial plan, so we are going to quietly release each new arc and just leave it to the players. 

Editor: As a fan, I wanted to see someone cosplay in that Rena’s dress.

Staff all together: Aaa *laugh*

Ryukishi: How long has it been since then?

Yano: 2 years? …Maybe 1,5.

Ryukishi: It’s a joke that went beyond a joke from the time when we still were an orika circle. There is a company called pare ideal that is one the most famous makers of one-off cosplay outfits. We ordered that dress from them, and then thanks to Yano-san there were 2 times?.. Around 2 times when we had a girl cosplaying in that outfit at our space [at Comiket]. Unfortunately, that was before we introduced Higurashi! It would be a bit more meaningful now.

Yano: Yeah.

Ryukishi: That dress was either lost or became unwearable due to its age.

— I have a feeling that there is going to be lots of secondary works based on Higurashi.

Yano: Everyone is so quick.

Editor: There are already lots of them on the net.

Ryukishi: There are many things like web-manga. My heart feels at ease when I read them *laughs*

— Perhaps there will be many figures and other things soon.

Yano: Let’s ask Ryukishi-san to draw every character in 3 views when he has time *laughs* Maybe number of people who make figures will increase after that.

Ryukishi: I made a blueprint of that Rena’s outfit we were talking about earlier when I was making an order, so there is a detailed drawing still left.

— What about Rena’s casual clothes from the game?

Ryukishi: There are no specific blueprints of it. It’s not a complicated dress, so it’s made like many people are imagining it.

Yano: But what about that cut that everyone is talking about? Is it on the front or on the side?..

Ryukishi: It’s on the front.

— Oh, is it? Ok, let’s write it down: “on the front!”.

*Everyone laughs*

Yano: It’s an important information *laughs*

— Well, for people who draw fanart it’s important to know is it on the front or on the side.

Ryukishi: Ok, the official one is with the cut on the front.

*Everyone laughs*

— Officially it’s “on the front!”.

Ryukishi: Officially it’s “on the front”. Is it a slit? It is zipped? Let’s go with a slit.

*Everyone bursts with laughing*

— Ok, for those who draw or makes garage kits, it’s “a slit on the front!”… Somewhat, I have a feeling that we have solved a major problem here *laughs*

Yano: If you have troubles with an outfit, making it hot is the right answer.

Ryukishi: *Laughs* The way Yano-san thinks is correct. Making it lewder that official is actually official *laughs*

— *Laughs* Thank you for your time today.

Higurashi Booster Book Interview

Another interview! This time it’s from Higurashi Booster Book which was published in 2004 by Mandarake, when 07th were in the middle of working on Meakashi-hen. I believe that Booster Book was meant to be distributed along with catalogues for Comiket.

I honestly love this interview. It feels very doujin. And also contains a lot of interesting information.

Huge thanks to PracticalMecha for providing this interview!

Welcome to the tragic village

Editor: Today I, an employee of Mandarake, and Yano Yoshinori, who is in charge of publicity and business of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, are talking to Ryukishi07.

For starters, it’s finally November, so how it’s going for Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai?

Ryukishi: The request manuscript has made a safe landing, so I am going to put all my efforts into writing again starting today. Yatazakura-san keeps pressing me with things like “Quickly give me the manuscript” and “You aren’t going to put there even more backgrounds that I don’t know about, are you?”, and the work is going on. Higurashi in winter is pretty scary, you know. You can’t take pictures anymore after the snow has fallen. So, was it the year before last? I said: “It would be nice to have an outdoors scene”, but the location was already covered with snow. It was a lot of pain. And, first of all, we are in Tokyo, right? So, when I carelessly wrote about a bus-stop with a tin roof, it resulted in fierce criticism. “Where does such a thing exist!”. I am starting to think that maybe I should just ask for background pictures through my Production Journal.

Yano: People’ve been saying things like “I found out Hinamizawa in Shirakawa-go!” on the Net lately. I am sure you will get a lot of pictures if you announce that you are gathering background images that look like Hinamizawa in order to use them in the game.

Ryukishi: We’ve been struggling a lot with indoors scenes too, surprisingly. The biggest reason why there are no scenes in Rena’s house is that we can’t make a scene that will take place inside her room. She has a very normal girl’s room, full of things that young girls like. I would like to take pictures of a room like that, but it’s not that could be found in my surroundings… That’s why it’s difficult to write about Mion’s room as well. I haven’t written scenes within Mion’s room yet, but for that occasion, I came up with two different types of rooms. First one is diplomatic room, that is only visible to common people. Another one is a private room which is very cute. If she is asked whose room it is, she would quickly close the door and deny it with all her might *laugh*. This person who can’t hide a lie is my type of Mion.

Yano: The model for Mion’s house in real Shirakawa-gou is a  gasshou-zukuri house (a house with a steep rafter roof), isn’t it?

Ryukishi: Sonozaki house is actually a local museum. There are many gasshou-zukuri houses there, so you can choose freely. Lately, it seems that there were a lot of fans visiting Shirakawa-gou not only for sight-seeing but also to take a look at the local clinic for example, which I guess looks pretty suspicious to the locals *laugh* I won’t lose when it comes to being suspicious, though *laugh*

Yano: It would be nice if the museum gets more visitors thanks to Higurashi *laugh*

Editor: If Higurashi becomes more popular, there may be a movement to use it for PR of Shirakawa-gou. There was an autograph session on the local foods fair in Hiroshima because of a manga that was set there lately.

Ryukishi: I will be happy if Higurashi will help to promote Shirakawa-gou even a little…

Yano: Even though the story is tragic *laugh*

Editor: “Welcome to the tragic village”, or something like that *laugh*

Ryukishi: *laugh* It’s a wonderful place, really. I’d even escort you to Miboro Dam or the bridge from where Keiichi-kun was pushed off by Satoko if I had an opportunity. Especially, below that bridge there is a swamp, or rather a lake, that served as a model for Onigafuchi swamp, and there are logs floating on its surface. You can see only half of a log, and it is reflected in the water, which looks very beautiful. By the way, the bridge of forestry office is located right near it.

Editor: If anyone of you who are reading this interview is planning to visit the real world of Higurashi, please respect the privacy of the place.

Ryukishi: Thank you in advance.

Editor: By the way, as a fan of uniforms, I can’t leave out Angel Mort when talking about Higurashi (ruined everything). I can’t imagine those designs appearing in 1983 at all.

Ryukishi: It was originally an outfit for a mascot character of our homepage, her 4th outfit. Because my name is Ryukishi07, at first she was wearing something resembling an armor, then it was changed to a uniform in style of Pia Carrot, which became the general direction from there.

Editor: You love uniforms too after all?

Ryukishi: I do~ (more than anything else).

Editor: In the end, is Irie-sensei the character that reflects you the most?

Ryukishi: A-ha-ha-ha *laugh* The world of the game values  putting clothes on (cosplay) rather than undressing. It’s an all-ages product, so I put in there my own type of eroticism. No, a naked body can’t even be called erotic. Rather than that, put that cosplay on~ *laugh*

Yano: Speaking of erotic, you’ve made an ero-doujinshi once, right? Even if it was an all-ages one, and everyone was with their clothes on, it was more erotic than any 18+ doujinshi.

Editor: What did you say?!

Ryukishi: Ah, there was something like that, wasn’t it *sweat* It’s embarrassing, don’t talk about on public, please!

Editor: When was it released?

Ryukishi: I think… it was more than 4 years ago. The name “Ryukishi07” was actually made for this. After that, we’ve released 7 original card products for Leaf Fight. We’ve put the most energy around the time we were creating sets based on AIR and Pia Carrot. There were no any titles that were interesting enough to work on after that. And after struggling with what to do next, we’ve decided to make an original product.

Editor: I bet those who bought that doujinshi at that time couldn’t even imagine that its author would create something like Higurashi.

Ryukishi: Only 20 copies were sold back then… By the way, I even touched that in a Staff Room a little bit, but before I took the name Ryukishi07 I took part in creating a 18+ doujinshi, though it sold 5 copies at most *bitter laugh* There are still unsold copies laying inside the closet at my home. I think it was also about cosplay *laugh*

Editor: Speaking of that, you’ve actually made a cosplay of Angel Mort uniform back in your orika (original cards) times?

Ryukishi: I spent around 200.000 yen on one dress *sweat* It was a one-off made-to-order suit. It was made by a shop called Pare Ideal. I guess most cosplayers should know it? Please check them out. If you look at full order product list, there would be a picture under Rena title.

(After that, the discussion  about difficulty of outfits, cute/not cute designs, characteristics of knee-socks, etc. continued for some time).

Editor: You are very knowledgeable about this stuff *laugh* There is a cosplay shop on this floor, you should definitely visit it.

Ryukishi: Yeah, definitely. I love looking at cosplayers, but even if it’s just an outfit on a mannequin it impresses me. …Hey, I completely forgot that I am being recorded *bitter laugh* Well, it’s a bonus for a Comiket catalogue, so it probably won’t be seen by normal people  *laugh*

The mortal angle

Editor: Speaking of normal people, there are a lot of them who play Higurashi, isn’t it so?

Ryukishi: I guess it’s true. I was surprised when saw somebody asked “What is Tsukihime?on an anonymous imageboard. I was sure that only doujin people play Higurashi. Because of that, we’ve received a lot of complaints from people who weren’t able to follow the hardcore staff in the Staff Rooms. I am planning to make two types of Staff Rooms next time. There will be a screen with two choices: “Serious Staff Room” and “The usual thing” *laugh* Of course, there will be an annotation saying: “Because of the global flag the option you didn’t pick will be deleted” *laugh*

Editor: Like in the Box Selection Game, right? By the way, the catchphrase from the advertisement said: “This game doesn’t have choices”, didn’t it?

Ryukishi: I guess people who saw the Box Selection Game were pretty surprised. I’m sure they weren’t expecting any choices to appear. However, my failing was that people saw it as Ryukishi’s objection to implementing branching paths in the game. But in fact, it’s just a continuation of “In Love With The Rain Clouds” or “Gears and Fires and The Taste of Honey”. I wrote it as a follow up to themes such as “There is nothing more boring than when you know the outcome of a choice”, “It’s the most fun when you can’t predict the color of the autumn sky”, but it was perceived as “That’s why Ryukishi07 hates branching paths”…

Editor: You wanted people to read it as another episode of the story.

Ryukishi: Yes. If 07th Expansion was a bigger circle and if we had more scenario writers, I could delegate the writing of sub-scenarios to them and then we could have branching paths. It’s not like I hate them or something like that.

Yano: Flag management is a pain too.

Ryukishi: Even just making the Box Selection Game resulted in a huge debugging *sweat* It should go into the next scenario once you finish it, and every time you release a new game you have to test play everything from the beginning, and it’s quite a pain. With mini-games, it becomes even more difficult, and it’s very hard to look for errors… I can only respect those circles which make fighting games or other complicated products…

Yano: By the way, the mini-game people play the most is Renapan, it seems.

Ryukishi: It’s because it’s hot *laugh* It’s completely identical to an old game called Punch-Out, and when I saw it the first time I thought that it would be cool to have Rena on the first screen, then Satoko on the second screen, then Mion on the third one or having every character using their own moves, and maybe I wanted too much. By the way, BT-san who creates mini-games is Rika fan. That’s why,  in every mini-game, there is always Rika, but there is no Mion at all *laugh* Hmm, maybe BT-san hates her *laugh* Though I am very glad that Mion became this popular, really. I thought that maybe she will end up being the least popular during the planning of the game.

Editor: Speaking of bonuses (mini-games), there is a room with a live size doll appearing in the Staff Rooms. Whose is that room?

Ryukishi: It’s my room *laugh*

Editor: So it’s yours *laugh* I feel a strange sympathy when I look at a pile of parcel packages there *laugh*

Yano: Didn’t you also appear secretly somewhere in the game?

Ryukishi: Yes, in Angel Mort. We actually took photos for it in Jonathan’s by photographing each other in turns, so both of staff members are there in every image. It’s pretty blurred, though, so you won’t understand. I had more thoughts about Angel Mort backgrounds. Like making it more stylish.

Yano: Maybe it’d be better to make it at Korona (古炉奈)

Editor: You are right, that place doesn’t look like it belongs to Akihabara, it’s stylish and tasteful.

Ryukishi: It is on Akihabara, but doesn’t feel like Akihabara. There would be a silent pressure if you’d try to read a doujinshi there *laugh*

(Everyone remains silent for some time)

Ryukishi: One thing that I wasn’t able to write deciding Angel Mort setting is that it’s a place that seems like a normal famires (family restaurant), but it would make a normal family sick. In the last scenario, I couldn’t implement this theme at all. There will be a scene in Shion’s preparation room in the next arc, but I can’t find a chance to speak about the actual place. If you think about it, was there even a point in making the story take place in a village?  

Editor: So you just wanted to talk more about maid cafes? *laugh* Was the theme of this time’s story “horror and mystery occurring in a remote village, but also with lots of moe!”?..

Yano: Putting an Western analog game shop in the village is fascinating too.

Editor: Speaking about Western analog games, does the name Angel Mort come from Magic the Gathering? There is Moat which only flying creatures can pass, and a flying creature Serra Angel. I thought that the name came from combining those two cards.

Ryukishi: Unfortunately, that’s not the case. The name Angel Mort comes from the words “mortal angle”. Mort is shortened mortal and angel is an anagram for angle. Magic the Gathering is really fun, isn’t it? I stopped playing it because I can’t manage my cards well, but I’d like to play it again in the form of Portal or something like that if I’d have a chance. The problem is managing decks *bitter laugh* In the past, if you used a rubber band to fasten the deck, the rubber band would melt and stick to the cards, so I put my common cards on the top in on the bottom of the deck. I’ve really should use some other method to keep my cards.

One thing that is bad about MtG is that the latest expansion is always stronger. You would lose if you don’t keep buying new ones. On the other hand, Leaf Fight had the strongest cards in its early days. I’ve thought “Aren’t the cards too strong?” from the time I started playing. Speaking of strength, Yu-Gi-Oh is even more ridiculous. You can sometimes completely turn the situation upside down with just one card, which is called “Executing the trap card!”. That’s why the right way of playing Yu-Gi-Oh is to just have fun and not worry about win or lose. Will you go with balance or groove? If you make a mistake here, designing the cards becomes painful.

By the way, I have two brothers, and there is a card game which I only play with them. Because it is made purely for us three, we made art and rules ourselves. It’s a draw&drop game based on mahjong. However, the scary thing that is different from mahjong is that you can take cards from the ones your opponent discarded no matter what you hand is, so you are able to get a yaku just from discarded cards.


Editor: When I was playing Akasaka’s scenario I thought: “Ryukishi07-san seems to really love mahjong”. Is that true?

Ryukishi: Pretty much *laugh* Just today I was invited by an old friend: “Hey, how about this Sunday?”, but I am too busy with Higurashi until the end of the year… Either way, I really love analog games, not only mahjong. It feels really good to hold cards in your hands. There is a word kirifuda (切り札, a trump card), and it means to cut (切る/kiru) a card out of your hand. No matter how the technology would advance, you can’t beat the feeling of analog cards. Such moments like when you draw a card are really fun.

Yano: In card games there are cards, in sugoroku there are dies. Mahjong has tiles and chips, Game of Life — money.

Ryukishi: Exactly. The money in Game of Life are fun too. It’s boring to just write down numbers in your notes. The fun thing is when you collect that small money. Then you suddenly scatter them and say: “Crawl and pick them up!” *laugh* I have plenty of ideas for my own games too… After all, that game that I was making before Higurashi was a card caring game. I have a lot of ideas for card games.

Yano: Then, I’ll be waiting for “07th Expansion presents”.

Ryukishi:  Yes. Some time ago I was playing a shooting game called Touhou and though about a deck battle game where cards will be called spell cards. I would create a deck for each character and sell each deck separately. I already have story and rules prepared, but right now I am busy with Higurashi, so it would be cool if someone makes this instead of me *laugh*

Yano: It was ridiculous to think of making a doujin card set several years ago, but now it’s fairly easy to do. But there are not many people who make not only cards but also games.

Ryukishi: You can’t create rules for an analog game if you haven’t played one. Especially, when you come from only playing PC games, you are depending on numbers. However, there are should be numbers on cards, because you wouldn’t want to make calculations in your mind. In card games, you should be able to grasp the situation just by quick glancing on numbers. And also, and people who play card games should understand it, if the rules are easy, it can be surprisingly fun even if the rules are stupid.

However, explaining these things inside Higurashi is difficult, and especially for an unknown game such as it, people will leave on the explaining stage. I once thought of a game based on Resident Evil and tried to implement it into Higurashi. But when I started to explain the rules… The amount of text for one in-game day is roughly 20 pages, and that explanation took almost 10 pages. While doing that, I found out that the penalty is much more fun that the game explanation or showing off my knowledge. After that, I focused almost entirely on competition and penalties.

Yano: It’s the same reason why Akasaka-kun is so active at mahjong, isn’t it? *laugh*

Ryukishi: It’s because he can get big money that way *laugh* At the rate I’ve never heard of. By the way, Akasaka-kun tells Ooishi that he stopped because he doesn’t have luck, but actually it’s his wife who told him to stop. He is, in fact, a person who unconsciously has a desire to be yelled at by somebody, and so he is waiting for someone to become angry with him. On the other hand, Yukie-san is very kind to everybody, but deep inside she wants to control someone like a small devil.

A certain company has asked me to write a short story next year, and I was thinking about giving Yukie-san a small role, but she is such a good character that I am planning to suddenly make her a protagonist *laugh* Sorry if it fails to be published *bitter laugh*

Editor: O-oh!

(The following discussion of a short story was omitted due to various circumstances)

Editor: Then, please write a scenario about Akasaka’s school years if you have a chance. Shinjuku Mahjong Wandering Chronicles, or something like that *laugh*

Ryukishi: I was surprised that Akasaka-kun became that popular *laugh*  Keiichi-kun isn’t able to grasp the situation until he is given a roundabout explanation, but Akasaka-kun can understand everything quickly. I was worrying that the story will develop too fast for the players to catch on.

In Investigation Files that come out in December, there is a conversation between Akasaka-kun and Ooishi, but it is too quick as well. They both understand what the other party wants to say before they say it, so there are a lot of phrases like “so, in other words…” and “I see”. On the other hand, I like the feeling when the conversation goes smoothly.

Yano: Like in Legend of the Galactic Heroes, when Lohengramm…

Editor: Talks to Kircheis.

Ryukishi: Exactly. That type of conversations. Either way, Akasaka’s conversations don’t piss you off. For me, either it a Western movie or a Japanese movie, I hate when a protagonist is slow on the uptake. “In these conditions, you should at least understand that it was 〇〇’s doing!” I hate the main characters that make me want to say such things.

Editor: By the way, while we speak about Western analog games, there is a game called Cluedo, right?

Ryukishi: Yes. I’ve played it.

Editor: I’ve thought that it was a model for a club scene with a culprit/weapon/crime scene game, but it also can be said about Higurashi as a whole, isn’t it?

Ryukishi: Ho-ho.

(After that, it was pointed that the way the one big story of Higurashi is divided into 4 different bad end arcs is exactly like the system that is used in Cluedo. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai, which is going to be released on this Winter Comiket, will also be divided into 4 arcs that will answer those possible scenarios with happy endings. The editor has asked if those Answer arcs will be the mirror reflections of the Question arcs. However, Ryukishi07, being a clever talker he is, has dodged the question with the help of Yano, who has covered him (?))

Itchy tasty

Editor: (After pulling himself together) Judging by the game content, you probably have a lot of Western games at home?

Ryukishi: No, it’s not the case. In fact, my father had a lot of Western games, and I liked to play with pieces even if I didn’t know the rules. I’ve lost many of them, which made my father angry *laugh* My parents organized a private cram school in our house. And sometimes they used a house of their friends. They had a game similar to Cluedo at their home. I didn’t understand what that game was at that time, but it had very realistic illustrations on its cards. So realistic that they could appear in The Village of Eight Graves, and that wouldn’t be strange. One of the culprits in that game was a nurse. Surely, it’s when I began to think that nurses are evil and suspicious people *laugh*

Yano: You are calling Takano-san a nurse, but wasn’t she actually a pharmacist?

Ryukishi: She was going originally to be a pharmacist or a woman doctor. However, it wasn’t like the setting will break if she isn’t a pharmacist. I wanted to go away from a notion that a woman medic must be a nurse, but in the end, made her a nurse anyway. I also wanted to give her a cat, but there wasn’t a chance to write about it. She was going to be a mysterious woman, who acts honestly in front of her cat.

Editor: What a hidden moe!

Ryukishi: It’s the same as in Tabletalk RPGs. Actually, every character has a detailed story, their own mind and winning conditions, but as the camera is always following Keiichi, there is no chance to write about everything. On the other hand, I ended up exposing Keiichi’s father’s job a bit too much *laugh* I wrote openly about it in Tatarigoroshi, even though it would be better to hide it a bit more.

Editor: It’s a scene where Keiichi’s parents hold a party at their home. There were words like Ariake, Shimanaka or Purchase limit*, that made me go “What are these random words that sound somewhat familiar!!” *laugh*

Ryukishi: That part was intended to be an object of an easy tsukkomi**. The gap between those words and a setting (of a remote village in 1983 ) should make you go “What the hell!” and have fun. I’ll be happy if readers will think about this chaos in eras as me screwing around.

Editor: TIPS actually help to explore each character to some extent. At first, I was surprised when during a play I suddenly saw “You’ve got new TIPS” message, but after I got used to them I realized that it is a very interesting system.

Ryukishi: Thanks to TIPS, I didn’t have to include unnecessary bits in the main story, which made writing a lot easier. It also helped when there were things that are invisible from Keiichi’s point of view, but that I wanted to put in the game anyway. However, I can’t say that I have mastered that system myself. I’ve heard that a game called Machi is already using a system similar to TIPS. I have to study more and learn how to make my TIPS better.

Editor: I don’t know about Machi, but when you look up Higurashi on review sites, titles like Kamaitachi no Yoru, Kizuato or Hateshinaku Aoi, Kono Sora no Shita de… are often suggested among similar games. Do you play novel games like those?

Ryukishi: Of course.  Higurashi was inspired by Kanon, AIR, KIzuato, Shizuku. Though, To Heart is already going in slightly different direction. I played a lot of horror games on Famicom, such as Otogirisou, Kamaitachi, Gakkou de atta Kowai Hanashi, and also Yakouchu, Zakuro no Aji, Majo-tachi no Nemuri, etc.

On the other hand, I almost didn’t play any mystery games. Mostly horror. I especially love Resident Evil, and in fact, I wanted to put in TIPS a diary similar to a diary from Resident Evil

Editor: The “itchy tasty” one?

Ryukishi: That one, that one. I really loved reading the “What month, what day…” diary in Resident Evil. It may be unethical to enjoy reading thoughts of people who are trying to survive in extreme conditions, but in the end, I think that things like diaries from the ghost ship Ryoei-maru***, all of the passengers of which have died, are very enjoyable as a horror. If you think about that, CAPCOM has already done a similar thing in Sweet Home for Famicom.

What was fun about that game is that before your party of 5 people was lost, there was another party of 5. Those 5 people each had his own adventure and left hints. “So-and-so got hurt, please bring a medicine” or “I found a way to the generator, but I don’t have a rope”. One by one those people have died, and in the end, you find a corpse. And you realize that it was that person who left all those messages. You feel sympathy towards that party who ended up in the same situation as you. However, they didn’t make it… I was moved by the loneliness of the direction of that game and honestly admitted my defeat. From that time, I fell in love with left notes and diaries.

On the other hand, what a lot of eroge get wrong is that even when a character dies, it doesn’t make an impact. And also, that there are too few scenes that depict a normal everyday life leading to that event. When you see a fun everyday life before someone gets involved in a gruesome incident, isn’t it majestic? Or rather, won’t it make your trauma bigger? *laugh* In the end, it is what I wanted to do with Higurashi.

Hidden message

Editor: It was especially noticeable in Satoko’s arc, Tatarigoroshi-hen. I even though something like “Hey, wait a little bit with such story developments”.

Ryukishi: Actually, I was thinking about a scene where Keiichi goes to Satoko’s home and find her naked, chained with a bicycle lock to a door lintel. However, that scene left unused due to story gimmick and direction. There were all sorts of scenes that I wanted to show… And there are a lot of them that I still want to appear in the story.

Editor: I feel that those are very cruel scenes for some reason *sweat* All the TIPS regarding child abuse were pretty cruel, like, for example, “Statistics from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare” which was quite shocking in both text and sound effects.

Ryukishi:  I wanted to show that in some cases of child abuse even Child Guidance Center is powerless and can’t do anything. In fact, such administrative organs like Child Guidance Center act too slow. On the other hand, they are very quick when they finally decide what to do, and that is sad.  I am often asked regarding TIPS called Law Text, why a law that was only adopted in 2000, appears in a story about 1983, and that is the same case. I wanted to show that the measures against child abuse are so slow that we had to wait until 2000 to child abuse be prohibited.

Yano: That somehow makes Higurashi a shakai-ha (social awareness) story.

Ryukishi: People sometimes ask me, why I am touching urgent topics, and, it may sound insolent, but it is a hidden message from me. I have written a bit about bunraku problem. Bunraku discrimination still can be seen in certain areas, even though it almost died out in cities. My hidden message is “Please recognize these as problems that exist in today’s Japan”.

By the way, I am writing an arc called Meakashi-hen right now, and after that Tsumihoroboshi-hen and Minagoroshi-hen will follow. In that Minagoroshi-hen, Satoko’s uncle will come back once again. Keiichi will fight with him one more time, but now he won’t be alone in this. When he fights alone, that results in Tatarigoroshi-hen. I am thinking about doing a story where he faces that problem together with his friends.

Yano: I like Akasaka-kun and Kameda-kun. I believe they will certainly play an active role in Kai.

Ryukishi: If Akasaka-kun will compete with Teppei at the same table, it will result in mahjong competition *laugh* Teppei will pair with one more player who is crazy good at cheating, and even though our side has great members too, we won’t be able to win against Teppei’s team.  At that moment, like in Naki no Ryu, Keiichi’s hand will lay on Akasaka’s shoulder and he will say just one thing: “Wanna change?” *laugh* There was a scene in Naki no Ryu, where, when a “little brother” character is struggling with his game, Ryu appears at the last moment. And then an antagonist yakuza character says: “Nii-chan, you are loosing by several thousand points, and it’s already 3’rd match at the South”.

Editor: “Even if you change now it’s too late” *laugh*

Ryukishi: Exactly *laugh* And after that Ryu goes: “You’ll better quit being a criminal” and wins. I can’t help wanting to write a similar scene. Players seem to see Akasaka-kun as a hero too *laugh* I wonder, why he became that popular after having such a small role… *bitter laugh*

Yano: I think it’s because of that mahjong scene. Before that he was seen as “an elite young character who came from the center”, but after that, he changed and became equal to Ooishi. To the point that they were drinking together in Hokkaido.

Ryukishi: In fact, I put some of my life experience there. Meaning that “it’s good to have a heart-to-heart talk with a senior from work”. Young people nowadays can’t eat together, so if a senior from work invites them to a dinner or to have fun, they will 100% refuse. Even though, if you do that once, it will be surprisingly easy to communicate at work after that. Well, that senior should communicative enough as well, though.In fact, there was a time when I couldn’t eat together with other people too. I struggled with this for many years, and I still think that I have failed. I regret so much that I didn’t accept invitations from my seniors. Of course, whether or not I would have fun if I go playing with my senior is another question *bitter laugh* In the past, I was a bit gloomy, and even just seeing how people take care about me made me tired. For example, if a person who entered the company at the same time as me served me sake, I began thinking: “Ah, now I have to serve sake as well”,  and became more and more depressed. That’s why I still don’t go to parties that I don’t have obligations to attend. One more reason is that I am weak against alcohol. Maybe, people who like Akasaka-kun are those who had a similar experience, or maybe its young people who don’t have experience at all, and who think that it’s cool that a young fellow stands on an equal footing as old men.

Editor: I see. Higurashi has been suddenly rising in popularity in doujin world since this summer, and was thinking: “Who is that genius who made such a debut?”. However, after having a conversation like this, I understood that it was neither a genius youngster nor someone who already had a career in this industry. It was a man called Ryukishi07, who has made Higurashi a natural continuation of his life experience as well as his doujin activities.  Thank you a lot for such a precious opportunity.

* All those words are associated with Comiket

**Tsukkomi is a straight man in Japanese comedy genre called Manzai

***Ryoei-maru was a ship that met with an accident in 1926. All of its 12 passengers died or were reported missing

Some images from the book:

An important year

Excerpts from Ryukishi’s Production Diary.

We finally enter the year 2005 (though the first quote here is still from 2004) — the very important year in history of 07th Expansion. Higurashi Kai at last goes on sale starting with Meakashi-hen. Recording of drama CDs, manga serialization and anime pre-production also all start in 2005.


The clean-up begins today.

Clean-up is a very important process, when we check the script with a temporal staging and add new staging, and when a “text” turns into a “sound novel”.

Because I’ve spent so much time on this scenario, I’ve totally forgotten its early part, so rereading it felt very fresh.

I went to the point where Satoshi-kun finally appears.

So, while doing clean-up, Ryukishi07 himself has thought.

“Wow, Satoshi-kun is cute… (sweating)”

The whole new world was starting to emerge before Ryukishi07’s eyes…  waaa what are you doing *smash*

Clean-up usually takes 1-2 weeks to finish, but it’s my 5th time after all. I found out many different ways to speed up the process.

I am going to go with the speed of a demon!!

I’ll do my best.


There will be Higurashi Drama CD from HOBIBOX soon, and I had an opportunity to attend the recording of a commercial for it.

I’ve had some prior knowledge of recording environment but the real thing is, of course, something completely different.

The guidance from HOBIBOX was strict, and Nakahara Mai, who played Rena, was adjusting her voice in different ways in order to find an ideal Rena voice.

There were two commercials 20 seconds each, which took one hour in total. Everything was very serious and they didn’t waste any time at all.

For me who knows seiyuu only by their gorgeous performance, that seriousness felt very fresh. …A really valuable experience indeed.

The world of Higurashi is made of music and text, but the “voice” was lacking.

Because of that, I am looking forward to Higurashi Drama CD so much.

The one thing that suprized me the most, however, is “hau~”.

Who could have imagined that Rena’s “Hau~ ☆” would be so powerful!!


Finally, the embargo has ended, so at last I am able to deliver some news.

As it was already said on the homepage, there are 3 new manga serialization in works by Square (Onikakushi-hen, Watanagashi-hen and Tatarigoroshi-hen) and a spin-off Onisarashi-hen by Kadokawa.

It seems that Onikakushi-hen manuscript is in it’s finishing stage now.

I was allowed to participate since the rough draft stage, and I was surprised how Higurashi looks in manga form.

I am sorry for praising something so close to me, but I am looking forward to it. I can not but hope for the future success of Karin Suzuragi-sensei, who is in charge of the first arc.

I guess there are many people who are not yet familiar with Higurashi. I wonder, how it will appeal to these new people. I am waiting with a mix of expectation and anxiety.

Please support the publication… (bow)

So, Onisarashi-hen which is published in Kadokawa’s Comp Ace is a small but completely original arc by me, Ryukishi07.

As it is a spin-off, both the characters and the location the story takes place in are completely different. However, the atmosphere is unchanged.

Please look forward to the story “after the Great Hinamizawa Disaster”.

Without elegance

Excerpts from Ryukishi’s Production Diary.


A long time ago, while it was still a Showa period, the protagonist of the shonen manga was one that always tries hard. In today’s manga, they probably would be side or joke characters. (They quickly grow impudent and break easily. However, they can beat a rival by completing a hardcore training).

Nowadays, manga protagonists are all geniuses. They can easily break through the wall that a side character can’t even with training. There is a lot of such stories.

I was born in Showa period, so I am a former type.

Always clumsy and laughable. Doing things without any effort and with a cool face… it’s not about me.

The creation of Higurashi is always a struggle.

I cut my sleeping time, my life is out of order and my mental state is unstable. There are papers, plastic bottles and wrappings from sweets piling up in my room, and I often think that this mountain of trash will consume my bed soon… (sweating) It’s not a scenery that should be shown to people…

All of you who believe that I write with elegance and only after enjoying an afternoon tea while listening to vinyl records or after visiting a play and putting on my favourite lotion!!! …I guess nobody believes that (bitter laugh)

Eh?! You are saying that all other doujin creators write with elegance—-?!


Hello, this is Ryukishi07 speaking. I am in the middle of a battle now, so I’ll skip the formalities.

I have finished the cover illustration for the current arc.

It’s the first time when it’s not Rena who appears there since the beginning of Higurashi. It was fun to draw another character for a change.

By the way, the clothes that Shion wears is a uniform of a school that she was attending before she returned to Hinamizawa. There wasn’t anyone wearing a blazer among the main characters, so I used it without hesitation.

Even though it’s an image without much movement in it, I managed to show a lot of skin color compared to the previous one (bitter laugh)

※Skin color: a deficiency causes symptoms such as palpitations, shortness of breath and dizziness. However, complete nudeness in an NG. It is a very difficult ingredient to blend in.


Yesterday I’ve finished the main text for Meakashi-hen (don’t blame me for not telling earlier…). Even though I’ve been using parts of the old text file, writing 54 Word pages in one day is a mind-blowing speed…

Probably it’s the fastest I’ve ever written.


I feel bad for Keiichi-kun, who has finally got his own sprite, but I probably won’t put an All-Star Review Session in this chapter.

It’s because it doesn’t go well with the aftertaste of a story… No-no, it’s not like I don’t have time to do it.


Every time I finish a scenario, at first I feel proud that I tried hard and did a good job, but after several days this feeling disappears. “Ahhh, I created something strange again… Would they like it?..” It feels like I’m gonna crash. …It happens every time.

Right after writing, when you are especially tired, you feel somewhat high and don’t have such worries. It’s definitely the best part of feeling high when doing hard work.

Human is a weak creature that always worries about something, so when we try to lose ourselves in some activity, it’s probably because we want to forget that.


Excerpts from Ryukishi’s Production Diary.


As you all know, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni is a game that has a horror side.

Today I want to tell you one of those horror stories.

It was in middle school.

During the cleaning, “someone” hit one of the girls’ face with a mop.

Because I was nearby, she thought that it was definitely me, and turned on me with a fury.

Of course, I objected (I didn’t even know that she was hit in the first place), which lead to a fight.

And, because it was in front of the Science classroom, the science teacher appeared. He stopped the fight and told both of us to explain the situation.

Then, one of the girls who was there said:

“He hit her with a mop. I saw it”

In the end, I stayed until the classes ended arguing about either I hit her or not.

For myself from that time that was just an “annoying incident”

However, when I am thinking about that event now… it feels more like a “creepy incident”.

If even such situations make you feel horror, the world is full of horrors, isn’t it?

So, Ryukishi is Takeshi Nonomiya from Higanbana.

I hope that not all stories from Higanbana are from Ryukishi’s real life.


There was a lively discussion of original cards with nino-san in the centre on the imageboard. As I was making analogue games before doujin software in the past, I became excited too (bitter laugh)

So, there was a question from nino-san.

What face does Maebara Keiichi have?

Hm……. I knew that this day will eventually come but always tried to avoid it because of the pressure of drawing the main character.

However, as the protagonist of Meakashi-hen is Shion, there is a possibility that Keiichi will appear too…

So, I tried to draw something resembling a main character.

The face and colors are temporal.

(Though for me “temporal” usually means “final” (sweat))

I had different thoughts of how he should look, but it the end he turned out looking like protagonists of Leaf games (sweat) Like Koichi + Hiroyuki-kun combined (lots of sweat)

Speaking of which,  Hiroyuki-kun from To-Heart is an ancestor of galge protagonists, isn’t he? If you try to draw safely, the character will overlap.

I think that making your character more unique and aim for individualisation like Kunizaki-san from AIR is a skill (bitter laugh)


There are times when you write like you are possessed.

When I write in that condition I do a lot of mistakes. Then I go through the text the next day and do error checking and rewriting. Lately, even this process takes a lot of effort (bitter laugh)

I like to write Higurashi no Naku Koro ni in that state of “possession” and I want it to maintain longer.

If I’d have to describe that state… It’s like some kind of trance.

You are totally focused on writing and nothing can distract you.

This condition is unbelievably pleasant.

Even when a living person is doing something, at the same time he is thinking about other concerns and worries. You are completely relieved of that in this state.

You lose the sense of time and of your own body.

And then, when you make a pause, you suddenly realise that it’s almost night, and you are very hungry and want to go to the toilet (bitter laugh) It happens quite often.

Weight of the music

Excerpts from Ryukishi’s Production Diary.


I can’t believe it, but the downloads of the demo have gone past 6200 times. However, some people must have dropped it in the middle of playing… Probably, only half of those who downloaded reached the ending.
And still, I couldn’t even dream of 3000 people plaing it until the end…


I am thinking about changing the title to Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai (temporal) starting with Meakashi-hen.
However, I haven’t made a logo yet.

When I was looking for an image for a new logo, I found this image that wasn’t used as a logo for a first game.
What do you think? …At that time I thought that it wasn’t quite right, but now people say that it’s pretty interesting… Is that so? (sweat)


Even though I have a lot of other things to do, I am escaping from reality (?) by writing.

The setting for the opening of the next arc is the 57’th year of Showa (1982).
A year before Keiichi transferred. And also a year when Rena transferred.
Houjou siblings are all well, and the housewife has been “chosen” as a 4’th victim of a curse.

The main character is Shion this time, but… As I am writing I am realising that in the year of 1982 Shion is so out of the scene that it’s sad.
Even if she tries her best in order to solve the mystery, she is standing way far from the main events.

Shion desperately tries to find a solution. This time her deductions will probably appear in TIPS a lot.

…It will be fun if, in the end, it will be a totally different story (sweat).
Except for some planning of the setting, I write by improvisation (bitter laugh)  It’s a fun method ☆ It leads to happy accidents when even I as a writer become surprised with how the story goes (laugh) After all you can’t write if it’s not fun.  (However, it’s difficult because it’s not a very fun scenario itself (sweat))


Higurashi no Naku Koro ni is created by two people: me (art and scenario) and Yatazakura-san (script).
…In other words, there is no one in charge of music (bitter laugh)
Mainly we use royalty free music.

But… Frankly speaking, it would be great if we had someone making music for us.
However, when we approached different music circles in the very beginning, it was a 4HIT combo of Zero Popularity~No 18+ content~It won’t sell~That’s why we won’t help…

Today, thanks to Yano-san we were able to meet with a famous person in doujin world and ask him for cooperation.

I am not really sure if Higurashi is a work that would capture hearts of doujin musicians (bitter laugh), but, if we will get some wonderful music thanks to the new connections we’ve developed today… I can only pray.

As a bonus story, I’d like to tell about how the files in Higurashi are not encrypted, so you can open them easily and change as you want.
It’s pretty fun to replace the music with other tracks for your own enjoyment ☆

Of course, in the early stages of production, I often replaced it with tracks from games that were already on the market (sweat)
I remember using music from Kizuato and To-Heart a lot… (bitter laugh)

I think that the weight that lies in music is probably even more than on the text in a sound novel. Something like 4:3.
I mean, look. In “sound novel”, the word “sound” uses 4 characters out of 7 in Japanese, right? (サウンド・ノベル)

More time to kill

Excerpts from Ryukishi’s Production Diary.


This is the cover image for the current arc…
Compared to the last time when the cover was in the style of fighting games (?), this one is more suited for a novel, isn’t it?.. It’s not flashy at all, but I like the atmosphere…  (Am I just praising myself right now?.. (sweat))

. . .

This image will probably become the main for the first part of Higurashi.
I am thinking about changing the title to Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai starting with Meakashi-hen.
Why am I giving it a different title?.. Well… When you sell just one game at an event, it looks kinda lonely. Also, this way the first part becomes “completed”, so I can consign it to the doujin shops…

People often ask me if Higurashi will appear in doujin shops, so… (however, it doesn’t have good artwork, it’s not a porn game, and it’s unknown… I am not sure atll that doujin shops will take it… (lots of sweat))


The downloads of the demo-version have gone over 600 times before I knew it…
Compared to Tatarigoroshi-hen, which was sold 500 times in one year, this number is surprising…
The power of the Internet is awesome after all…

I’ve thought about creating the back cover but then decided that it would be better to return to writing for now.
I am struggling with the new name for this arc (bitter laugh)
Maybe I’ll call it Orikaeshi-hen (“Turning point”) because it is placed between Questions and Answers arcs. …hmm~ …Or something like that (bitter laugh)
I feel that I’ve put the rope on my own neck by creating this rule of having three syllables ending  with “shi” (LOL)


Compared to our main characters who have several types of clothing, side characters lack that (bitter laugh)
And, of all side characters, the one who shows up the most is, probably, Ooishi, so I gave him a new sprite!
Eh, it’s a yukata (sweat)

A sketch, a lineart, coloring, cleaning up… Everything took less than 3 hours.
…I am surprised myself how easy it was (sweat)
Speaking of yukata, it feels more like he is relaxing at a hot spring inn then wearing it for a summer festival… The magnetic necklace is also adding to the appeal of an unpleasant middle-aged man (laugh)

I am going to give him back his former popularity that has dropped a bit after Tatarigoroshi-hen. Do your best, Ooishi Kuraudo!!  

So, I should find the proper title to Himatsubushi-hen (temporal)…
It was fine for the scenario before the reworking, but if I name it that way now, it won’t make any sense.

Uuu, I am lost… (sweat)


Because I’ve introduced current arc as Himatsubushi-hen here and there, I’ve decided to go with this title after all (sweat)


The clean-up process for Higurashi consists of checking for problem parts, fine-tuning the staging, fixing errors, so it’s very detailed work.

What is very surprising to me is… The rapid growth of a counter on our home-page.
Before I knew it, the demo was downloaded something like 2200 times…
…Before releasing the demo, I thought it was awesome to sell 100 copies in one day… I am so grateful…

. . .

Today I decided to upload a picture for today’s post ☆
You can see this Rena appearing in this outfit when you launch Higurashi ☆
But I’ve never thought that some girl will actually make it in real life and even cosplay at our stand.

…When I remember it… That Comiket was like a dream (nosebleed)

We don’t have a connection to the circle that helped us with a cosplayer anymore, so that girl probably won’t be at our stand again… However, someday, surely… (ambition ☆)
But it’s a pity that the salesgirl in that costume won’t appear this time (sweat)

Speaking of which, probably we should begin to recruit girls who would cosplay for us… But I guess there is no way such a girl exists (sweat) And if I’ll continue to write this, it would turn into “Portrait of my ideal little sister”-level of wild fantasies (sweat)
Of course, Ryukishi07 is totally OK with cosplay, and little sisters are always welcome, hey, what are you d- (sound of axe)