Without elegance

Excerpts from Ryukishi’s Production Diary.


A long time ago, while it was still a Showa period, the protagonist of the shonen manga was one that always tries hard. In today’s manga, they probably would be side or joke characters. (They quickly grow impudent and break easily. However, they can beat a rival by completing a hardcore training).

Nowadays, manga protagonists are all geniuses. They can easily break through the wall that a side character can’t even with training. There is a lot of such stories.

I was born in Showa period, so I am a former type.

Always clumsy and laughable. Doing things without any effort and with a cool face… it’s not about me.

The creation of Higurashi is always a struggle.

I cut my sleeping time, my life is out of order and my mental state is unstable. There are papers, plastic bottles and wrappings from sweets piling up in my room, and I often think that this mountain of trash will consume my bed soon… (sweating) It’s not a scenery that should be shown to people…

All of you who believe that I write with elegance and only after enjoying an afternoon tea while listening to vinyl records or after visiting a play and putting on my favourite lotion!!! …I guess nobody believes that (bitter laugh)

Eh?! You are saying that all other doujin creators write with elegance—-?!


Hello, this is Ryukishi07 speaking. I am in the middle of a battle now, so I’ll skip the formalities.

I have finished the cover illustration for the current arc.

It’s the first time when it’s not Rena who appears there since the beginning of Higurashi. It was fun to draw another character for a change.

By the way, the clothes that Shion wears is a uniform of a school that she was attending before she returned to Hinamizawa. There wasn’t anyone wearing a blazer among the main characters, so I used it without hesitation.

Even though it’s an image without much movement in it, I managed to show a lot of skin color compared to the previous one (bitter laugh)

※Skin color: a deficiency causes symptoms such as palpitations, shortness of breath and dizziness. However, complete nudeness in an NG. It is a very difficult ingredient to blend in.


Yesterday I’ve finished the main text for Meakashi-hen (don’t blame me for not telling earlier…). Even though I’ve been using parts of the old text file, writing 54 Word pages in one day is a mind-blowing speed…

Probably it’s the fastest I’ve ever written.


I feel bad for Keiichi-kun, who has finally got his own sprite, but I probably won’t put an All-Star Review Session in this chapter.

It’s because it doesn’t go well with the aftertaste of a story… No-no, it’s not like I don’t have time to do it.


Every time I finish a scenario, at first I feel proud that I tried hard and did a good job, but after several days this feeling disappears. “Ahhh, I created something strange again… Would they like it?..” It feels like I’m gonna crash. …It happens every time.

Right after writing, when you are especially tired, you feel somewhat high and don’t have such worries. It’s definitely the best part of feeling high when doing hard work.

Human is a weak creature that always worries about something, so when we try to lose ourselves in some activity, it’s probably because we want to forget that.

One thought on “Without elegance

  1. It;s good that All-Star Review Session was replaced. I don’t mean it was bad, but read Ruykishi’s reviews more interesting.

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