Komaizm.com: Q&A session with Ryukishi07

Source: http://komaizm.com/image/interview.htm

Questions were sent by WSPlus to Ryukishi07 via email. The content of their response is documented as an interview below.


Q1. It’s often said in manga and other creative works that characters develop the story on their own. Does this apply to Higurashi as well?


I believe this holds true for Higurashi as well. There are many instances where the characters, by acting according to their own will, lead the story to unexpected developments. In that sense, it might be more accurate to say that arcs like Meakashi-hen and Watanagashi-hen were woven by the characters themselves rather than being a scenario crafted by Ryukishi07.

Q2. Besides Mion, who is your favorite character among the main ones?


Apart from the main heroine, I think I would say Oishi-san. I really enjoy portraying his old-man vibe and his salaryman-like qualities… I wonder how others feel about this (bitter laugh).

Q3. Are there characters that are particularly easy or difficult to depict?


(Interpreting this as writing characters rather than drawing them)

Keiichi is especially easy to write, and if I had to name the easiest, it would be Keiichi (laughs). As for difficult characters… I would say Rika-chan. Her subtle gestures make her a very nuanced character, which is challenging to portray in text. It’s difficult to give her a presence that stands out among the other more intense characters, and I feel a bit apologetic about that.

Q4. As the answer arcs continue, are there any major characters who haven’t been introduced yet?

A4. Basically, the main additions will be giving existing characters, who already have names but no character sprites, their own sprites. As for characters who haven’t been named yet and will get sprites… well, we’ll see…

Q5. Since the levels of horror and suspense alternate in each episode, does this mean that the final, yet unnamed episode will be the suspenseful answer arc?

A5. I’m afraid I can’t answer that… (sweat) The 8th episode, Matsuribayashi-hen (tentative title)… At this point, there’s nothing I can share, but I’m striving to create a scenario that will build up to a fitting and exciting climax.

Q6. When and how were the essential “plans and tricks” of Higurashi, which do not change, decided?

A6. These were almost completely settled at the very beginning of the draft for Higurashi. Chronologically speaking, it was just before we made the beta version of Onikakushi-hen. I created certain “rules” for this world and then built the story around them. If someone can decipher these fundamental “rules”, they might be able to use them to create new scenarios that follow the question arcs…

Q7. Does Keiichi’s character reflect your own personality?

A7. …I wonder about that. Personally, I don’t think I’m anything like Keiichi…but there are times when I feel like Keiichi-kun resides within my heart. Keiichi might be an expression of Ryukishi07’s inner self (bitter laugh).

Q8. Rika-chan didn’t rank very high in the popularity poll. Do you have any plans to boost her popularity?

A8. If the opportunity arises, I would like to push her character more through certain scenes. However, since Rika’s **** is **** in the ****, it would be challenging to **** her ****… It might be that we can fully explore her character only after all the mysteries are revealed.


Q9. Are there any particular points you focus on when drawing each character?

A9. Not particularly. Honestly, I don’t have the skill to focus on specific details… (cries). However, I do try my best to show differences in their expressions.

Q10. Are there characters that are easier or harder to draw?

A10. Based on the number of times I’ve drawn her, I think I’m most accustomed to drawing Rena. Satoko and Rika are probably the ones I’m least familiar with, as I haven’t drawn them as often. The hardest to draw are the side characters. For instance, I haven’t drawn Tomitake at all since creating his original design (sweat).

Q11. Do you have a color in mind for each character?

A11. Not really. However, I do remember using the primary colors of light and traffic signals as references when deciding the hair colors of the main heroines. It’s something like red (Rena), blue (Rika), green (Mion), and yellow (Satoko).

Q12. Were the costume design sketches displayed at the Cure Maid Cafe’s Angel Mort Day drawn by you?

A12. Yes. Since the actual outfits needed to be created, I had to draw them with realistic proportions. Given that I usually draw with shorter proportions, it was a bit of a shock when people frequently asked who drew those sketches (laughs).

Q13. How long does it take to draw a character’s sprite?

A13. It takes about a day for the rough sketch, another day for the final draft, and yet another day for coloring. No matter how much effort I put in, it never takes less than two days… It’s not just that my drawing skills are lacking, but the real problem is… I’m really slow…

Q14. If the characters from Higurashi were still living in the present (Heisei 17), what occupations would they have?

A14. This is quite a challenging question (laughs). The following are just spontaneous ideas, so please bear with me…

  • Keiichi Maebara: Editor Influenced greatly by his father, he would likely head into the publishing industry. As he grows, he comes to recognize his father’s greatness and starts to train diligently to become a “great author” like him. Hang in there, Keiichi! The application deadline for Summer Comiket is on Valentine’s Day!
  • Rena Ryuugu: Preschool Teacher She chases after the children in the yard, gleefully shouting “I want to take you home~~~♪”. She seems very happy. Additionally, she could be a reliable ally to the children, exposing the lies of parents who administer excessive punishment with a determined “That’s a lie!!”.
  • Mion Sonozaki: Housewife and Town Council Member In her twenties, she would likely reject being confined to the house and head out to the city. However, after getting married, she returns to her hometown and becomes a full-time housewife. As her children grow, she gains poise and dignity, eventually becoming a fitting head of the Sonozaki family.
  • Satoko Houjou: Housewife Having struggled with her parents’ divorce and remarriage, she likely becomes fixated on having a happy family life. Despite being advised that a dual-income household might be better financially, she would probably quit her job to become a full-time housewife. Hopefully, she finds a wonderful husband who thinks that being with her is worth any financial struggles.
  • Rika Furude: Entrepreneur Freed from the curse of Hinamizawa, she would probably take on every challenge life has to offer. She might start a groundbreaking venture company, fail, and try again. She could end up incredibly wealthy or deeply in debt. Either way, she would radiate an allure unimaginable from the current Rika.
  • Shion Sonozaki: ??? She is the hardest to imagine. Even more free-spirited than Mion, she might end up studying abroad internationally, meeting a wealthy person, and getting married. She could return home after ten years without a word, dressed in extravagant attire.

Does that suffice?.. ☆


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